Thank you for visiting my portfolio! Here, you'll find information about me, my projects, resume, and blog. Feel free to explore and learn more about my skills and experiences.
The home tab serves as the main landing page for my portfolio. Here, you can get a quick overview of who I am and what I do. Navigate through the other tabs to delve deeper into my background, projects, and writings.
Learn more about me, my background, and my professional journey. This section provides insights into my skills, interests, and the values that drive my work.
Explore the various projects I've worked on throughout my career. Each project is showcased in a project card format. Within each card, you will find two buttons:
- GitHub Repo: Directs you to the GitHub repository where you can explore the source code and project details.
- Live Demo: Takes you to the live version or demonstration of the project (if available).
Feel free to check out my contributions and the technologies I've used in these projects.
In the resume tab, you can download a copy of my resume. Simply click on the download button to access and save the document.
Check out my blog for articles and insights related to my experiences, interests, and thoughts on various topics. Clicking on the blog tab will redirect you to my Medium blog, where you can explore my written content.
Thank you for taking the time to explore my portfolio. If you have any questions or would like to connect, feel free to reach out via the contact information provided in the portfolio.
Happy exploring! 🚀