HUN-REN Biological Research Centre
- Hungary, Szeged
(UTC +01:00)
Starred repositories
Eukfinder: A pipeline to retrieve microbial eukaryote genomes from metagenomic sequencing data
A Practical and Efficient NCBI Taxonomy Toolkit, also supports creating NCBI-style taxdump files for custom taxonomies like GTDB/ICTV
FastOMA is a scalable software package to infer orthology relationship.
Automatic and optimised consensus clustering of one or more heterogeneous datasets
An accurate and sensitive bacterial plasmid identification tool based on deep machine-learning of shared k-mers and genomic features.
Novelty-inclusive microbial community profiling of shotgun metagenomes
🌟🧬 GraphBin-Tk: assembly graph-based metagenomic binning toolkit
Pipeline for metabolic annotation of microbial genomes
Automated long-read first bacterial genome assembly tool implemented in Snakemake using Snaketool.
A library for creating complex UpSet plots with ggplot2 geoms
AMPDeep: Hemolytic Activity Prediction of Antimicrobial Peptides using Transfer Learning
Generator and regressor neural networks for antimicrobial peptides
Attentive deep learning model for antimicrobial peptide prediction
Phage annotations and predictions. A spae is a prediction or foretelling. We'll foretell you what your phage is doing!
Snakemake workflow for highly parallel variant calling designed for ease-of-use in non-model organisms.
A fast and accurate binning refinement tool to constructs high quality MAGs from the output of multiple binning tools.
A machine learning-based tool for predicting metabolic modules in incomplete bacterial genomes.
GEne Cluster prediction with COnditional random fields.
Genomic language model predicts protein co-regulation and function