Tags: Rolpa/Quake3e
Toggle 2020-10-31's commit message
Vulkan: removed unused qgl.h
Toggle 2020-09-21's commit message
vm_armv7l: ported dynamic register allocation and new opstack code fr…
…om vm_aarch64
vm_aarch64: fixed compiler warning
Toggle 2020-08-08's commit message
Disabled whiteimage + "filter" texture optimization
Toggle 2020-07-05's commit message
win_snd: backported IsWindows7OrGreater() from ETe to avoid using Ver…
…sionHelpers.h, fixes ec-#62
Toggle 2020-05-27's commit message
Sync KP_STAR changes with SDL input
Toggle 2020-05-25's commit message
Backported alpha-to-coverage fix from cnq3 for alpha-test function ec-#1
Toggle 2020-04-15's commit message
Vulkan: fixed fog attribute location in single texture fragment shader
Toggle 2020-04-04's commit message
Vulkan: re-enabled TCgen optimizations
Updated tlds.h
Toggle 2020-02-27's commit message
VBO: fixed fog color correction
Toggle 2020-01-23's commit message
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