Official iOS (Swift) Tracking Library for Mixpanel Analytics
An example for saving AR experience with multiple objects
Example content for Unity projects based on AR Foundation
AR Foundation examples created with Unity and ARKit
✨ A framework-agnostic tool that converts any layout into a drag-to-swap one with just a few lines of code
A demo project used for testing visionOS Object Tracking capabilities with Xcode, Reality Composer Pro, and Create ML.
visionOS 2 + Object Tracking + ARKit means: we can create visual highlights of real world objects around us and have those visualizations respond to the proximity of our hands.
Package provides javascript implementation of linear regression and logistic regression
A 2d function plotter for the web
A Foundation for Scalable Cross-Platform Apps
📋 React Hooks for form state management and validation (Web + React Native)
High-performance particle effects for SwiftUI.
An overview of the different types of charts you can make with Swift Charts
A quick example of how one can "synchronize" a 3d scene across multiple windows using three.js and localStorage
An iOS Flarum demo app developed using SwiftUI
`SwiftUI` Framework Learning and Usage Guide. 🚀
A sample showing a Stripe Checkout integration built with Blazor and ASP.NET Core
Monitoring the energy charge work on macOS in CJLU. 如何在没接触过 macOS 开发的情况下 4 个小时写一个学校爬电费状态栏 App
Leading free and open-source face recognition system