My solution to the SIIM-ACR Pneumothorax Segmentation Challenge on Kaggle, which got the 7th place.
SIIM-ACR Pneumothorax Segmentation first place solution
8th place solution for SIIM-ACR Pneumothorax Segmentation competition on Kaggle
The 4th Place Solution of SIIM-ACR Pneumothorax Segmentation
Segmentation models with pretrained backbones. Keras and TensorFlow Keras.
📝 Подборка ресурсов по машинному обучению
Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation
Solutions to my previous Kaggle competitions
Classification models trained on ImageNet. Keras.
Open Images is a dataset of ~9 million images that have been annotated with image-level labels and bounding boxes spanning thousands of classes.
Машинное обучение на ФКН ВШЭ
🎯 Personal data science and machine learning toolbox
A collection of design patterns/idioms in Python
Supporting code for the paper "Finding Influential Training Samples for Gradient Boosted Decision Trees"
A curated list of resources dedicated to StarCraft AI.
Open Source framework for developing Dialog Agents
Collection of generative models in Tensorflow
An adversarial example library for constructing attacks, building defenses, and benchmarking both
Tensorflow Implementation of Yahoo's Open NSFW Model
TensorFlow tutorials and best practices.
Parallel t-SNE implementation with Python and Torch wrappers.
Collection of generative models, e.g. GAN, VAE in Pytorch and Tensorflow.