Сборник вопросов и ответов на собеседования на должность системного администратора, девопса
Docker images for testing Ansible roles with Molecule
A minimalistic nvim config aimed at Python developers. It is a lightweight replacement for PyCharm and VsCode, eliminating all unnecessary featuresd to be easily portable for running on servers and…
This repository contains my solutions to the programming challenges that I solve on the courses of Sergey Bobrovsky’s Higher School of Programming1. This is a school that teaches programming and co…
My solutions to the course of Functional programming in F# by "Higher School Of Programming Sergei Bobrovsky".
Solutions for the tasks of the higher school of programming by Sregey Bobrovsky.
// Aesthetic, dynamic and minimal dots for Arch hyprland
Dotfiles Based on the catppuccin colors. Its Fancy
Miryoku is an ergonomic, minimal, orthogonal, and universal keyboard layout.
This Helm plugin allows you to substitute the environment variables specified in your helm values file with their respective values in the environment from within a CICD pipeline.
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
These are the dotfiles for glassy (fluent) i3 gaps. If you are looking for KDE/i3-gaps MacOS dotfiles, go for "dotfiles_2021" repo
A solution for implementing efficient and consistent software delivery to Kubernetes facilitating best practices.
Firefox CSS Theme - For dark theme lovers / More compact / Modular / Blur
A modular configuration of Vim and Neovim