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A javascript discord selfbot that is setup and ready to go in less than 5 min.


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~ Discord Selfbot ~

A selfbot for discord that is setup and ready to go in less than 5 min.
(If you already have the required programs installed)


  1. Before Setup
  2. SelfBot Setup
  1. Commands
  2. License

Before Setup

Disclaimer (July 29)

Discord has been sending warning emails to people using selfbots and it seems like they may have even banned some for using them. Having said this, at this moment there is no confirmation on whether selfbots will be able to be used if they follow the rules bellow, but for now I would advice to keep an eye on your email just in case discord does send something to you. I am not responsible for anything you decide to do with your selfbot


Please remember that selfbots arent fully suported by Discord and that it should only be used to make YOUR life easier and not others. Also keep in mind that discord has a set of semi-offical rules regarding selfbots:

  • A selfbot must not, under any circumstance, respond to other user's messages. This means it should not respond to commands, should not autoreply to certain keywords, etc. You must be the only one that can control it.
  • A selfbot must not, under any circumstance, do "invite scraping". This is the action of detecting server invites in chat, and automatically joining a server using that invite.
  • As selfbots run under your account they are subject to the same Terms of Service. Meaning they should not spam, insult or demean others, post NSFW material, spread viruses or illegal material, etc. They have to follow the same rules that you follow.

IF, and only if you accept the above rules of selfbots, then you may proceed.

SelfBot Setup

- Install Required Programs -

Before you can download and setup the bot, there are 2 programs you need to have installed on your computer to make sure everything runs on first go:

- Download Project Files -

After you have the required programs installed, you can go ahead and download the project files. To do that, you either download the ZIP folder or do git clone if you are a console person. Once you finish downloading it you will be ready to setup the config files.

- Setup Config Files -

Once you download the project files you will see a folder named config. Inside of it will be 4 files and 1 folder:

  • avatars
  • config.json
  • games.json
  • keywords.json
  • paste.json


This is the folder where you drag and drop your avatar images to, if you enabled avatar rotating.


This is the main config file. Inside you will see several options, this is what each one means:

  • token is your discord token. (if you dont know what a discord token is, or how to get yours check out this tutorial made by me)
  • ownerID is your discord ID
  • prefix is the desired prefix for bot commands (can use @mention if you want the prefix to be your discord mention)
  • rotatePlayingGame, if you want your discord playing game to rotate games (from the games.json file)
  • rotatePlayingGameTime, if you do want the game to rotate, this is the time interval you want for it (in milliseconds)
  • rotatePlayingGameInStreamingStatus, if you do want the game to rotate, if you want it to rotate in streaming status
  • rotateAvatarImage, if you want your discord avatar image to rotate (from the images in config/avatars folder)
  • rotateAvatarImageTime, if you do want the avatar to rotate, this is the time interval you want for it (in milliseconds)
  • defaultStatus, the default discord status to show on your account. Either "online", "idle", "dnd" (Do Not Disturb) or "invisible"
  • mentionNotificator (if you want to have your mentions notified)
    • inConsole (as a log to console)
    • inNotificationChannel (as a message sent to the notification channel)
    • logBlockedUsers (if you want users you blocked to be logged or not)
    • ignoredServers (an array of server ID's you want the bot to ignore when searching for mentions)
  • keywordNotificator (if you want to have specific keywords notified)
    • inConsole (as a log to console)
    • inNotificationChannel (as a message sent to the notification channel)
    • logBlockedUsers (if you want users you blocked to be logged or not)
    • caseInsensitive (if you want the bot to search for the keywords while paying attention to the letter case or not)
    • ignoredServers (an array of server ID's you want the bot to ignore when searching for keywords)
  • eventNotificator (if you want to have events like guild creations, or friend requests notified)
    • inConsole (as a log to console)
    • inNotificationChannel (as a message sent to the notification channel)
  • notificationChannelID, if you set inNotificationChannel to true at least once, the channel ID to make notifications in
  • defaultEmbedColor is the hex color code for the default color for embeds
  • deleteCommandMessages if command messages and error messages should be deleted after a bit
  • deleteCommandMessagesTime if you do want the command messages deleted, this is the time the bot should wait before doing it (in milliseconds)
  • PSN PSN Status setup
    • enabled (if you want to use PSN Status reporting)
    • email is your PSN email
    • password is your PSN password
    • psnid is the PSN ID you want to report on
  • XBOX XBOX Status setup
    • enabled (if you want to use XBOX Status reporting)
    • gamertag is the XBOX Gamertag you want to report on
    • apikey is your apikey from sign up for a free account


This is where the game names you want to use for the rotating playing game option are. To add or delete games, just follow the structure of the games that are already on it. (If you have set the rotatePlayingGame option in the config.json file to false, then you dont need to worry about this file)


This is where the keywords that you want the bot to search for go in. (If you have set the keywordNotificator options in the config.json file to false, then you dont need to worry about this file)


This file is where the meme texts are stored for the paste command, if you wish to add more to use with paste just follow the structure of the file and add them in. If an array is specified for one of the options then the bot will choose a random item from the array.

- Start the bot -

When you have the required programs installed, have all project files, and have setup config files you can start the bot:


Open the installer.bat file. This will install the required node modules (so you dont have to do it yourself) and create a run.bat file. You can use this file to start the bot. If you did everything correctly, the bot should start up fine.

If for some reason you have ran installer.bat, it disapeared and it didnt create run.bat, then re-download installer.bat and try again. Most likely either git or node were not installed correctly. Check if they work and try again.

Linux / Mac

Executable files are kind of weird in linux, and users most likely use console to do their work, so to setup this selfbot on linux or mac open a terminal in the directory you downloaded the files to and type npm i. Once it is finished you can start the selfbot by using npm start or node self.js. If you did everything correctly, the bot should start up fine.


All commands get logged to console, are case insensentive and are tested to see if the owner of the bot was the one who triggered the command. It should be easy to create commands if you know the basics of javascript. The library used is Eris.

- Default Commands -

The bot has several default commands. (Each command is explained inside their own file.) You can find a detailed command list here.

- Creating Commands -

When you want to create a new command, just add a new file to the commands folder and name it something like mycommand.js and then follow the basic structure bellow. If your command needs some kind of special options like permissions or you just want to set it to be used on guilds only, then you can use the pre-made command options shown bellow. Thhere are also some helper functions built in to the function.

  Optional comment string to describe the command.
module.exports = (self) => {
  self.registerCommand('mycommand', function (msg, args) {
    // Do something with msg or args

    this.send(msg, 'This is some text', deleteDelay) // Send a message

    this.embed(msg, { // Send an embed
      title: 'Embed title',
      description: 'Embed description',
      color: 4627433
    }, deleteDelay)

    this.findMember(msg, args[0]) // Find a guild member
  }, {
    noPms: false, // Will only work on guilds (No PM's)
    aliases: ['cmd', 'mycmd'], // Will make "cmd" and "mycmd" be an alias of "mycommand"
    perms: [ // Will only do the command if you have the "Manage channels" AND the "Manage Nicknames" permissions
    deleteAfter: false // Delete the command message after the command was done or not

- Logging -

The selfbot comes with his own logger file, which includes a few options to log things to console. If you know what you are doing, you can add many more. It uses Chalk to change the color of the logged text, so you can change the colors if you do not like them.

Normal Logs

If you just want to log text to console you can do:

log.log('Text you want to log', 'Logger title', 'Chalk color that you want for the logger title', timed)
  Logger title is optional
  Check all chalk colors at
  "timed" is either true or false. Adds a timestamp to the log. (Default is false)

Warning Logs

If you want to log a warning to console you can do:

log.warn('Something weird but non-breaking happened', 'Warning origin')
// Warning origin means the place where the warning came from (optional)

Error Logs

If you want to log errors to console you can do:

let err = 'This is an error'
log.err(err, 'Error origin')
// Error origin means the place where the error came from (optional)


MIT. Copyright (c) 2016 TheRacingLion.


A javascript discord selfbot that is setup and ready to go in less than 5 min.







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  • JavaScript 97.8%
  • Batchfile 2.2%