- Madrid (Spain)
(UTC +01:00) - https://rotarudan.github.io/
- http://linkedin.com/in/dancristianrotaru
- https://www.seek.com.au/profile/dancristian-rotaru-uNdzeBgBg4
- @crdesarrollo
- https://rxresu.me/r/eImOwN2V
RotaruDan.github.io Public
RotaruDan's web page!
calculadora Public
Calculadora como micro-servicio (API) utilizando Spring-boot y Maven
recruitment-challenges Public
Forked from payvision-development/recruitment-challengesWe are hiring! If you are in the middle of the hiring process, here you will find the challenge that best suits your application. If not, but you consider Payvision a company in which you would lik…
1 UpdatedAug 23, 2019 -
rage-analytics-backend Public
Forked from e-ucm/rage-analytics-backendRage Analytics Backend
markdown-cheatsheet Public
Forked from tchapi/markdown-cheatsheetMarkdown Cheatsheet for Github Readme.md
1 UpdatedAug 20, 2018 -
Reboot of the eAdventure Platform, Version 2
cytopathology Public
Android and HTML 5 application made using libGDX used as a resource to an Introduction to Cytopathology course at Harvard Medical School
docker-compose-ui Public
Forked from francescou/docker-compose-uiweb interface for Docker Compose
material-start Public
Forked from angular/material-startQuick Starter Repository for Angular Material
cytopathologyeditor Public
HTML5 Cytopathology Challenge Editor
kbn_c3js_vis Public
Forked from mstoyano/kbn_c3js_visC3JS Visualizations Plugin for Kibana 5
RAGE Analytics Realtime Package for the First Aid Game
OpenDashboard Public
Forked from Apereo-Learning-Analytics-Initiative/OpenDashboard-legacyA web application that provides a framework for displaying data visualizations
firstaidgame Public
First Aid Game, ported from eAdventure framework to Unity 5
ProspectorSolitaire Public
Unity 5 Prospector Solitaire 2D Game
MissionDemolition Public
Unity 5 Angry Birds-like videogame.
ApplePicker Public
Unity 5 game where you pick apples falling from a tree!
SillyBirds Public
Unity 5 - Boids following Craig W. Reynolds 1987 algorithm.
rage-analytics Public
Forked from e-ucm/rage-analyticsRAGE Analytics Environment
OpenLRS Public
Forked from e-ucm/OpenLRSOpen source java based Learning Record Store
angular-express-seed Public
Forked from btford/angular-express-seedA great starting point for writing AngularJS apps backed by an Express-powered node.js server.
2dScene Public
An OpenGL scene in 2D with some input processing
DESgame Public
Forked from gorkinovich/DESgameA 2 players game that runs in the embedded system Embest S3CEV40.
hierarchicalModelling Public
Hierarchical modelling of a scene