An algebra for working with directed graphs in Clojure.
Lattice implements the necessary protocols for IPersistentMap, so you can start using it with adjacency maps right away.
(require '[io.github.rutledgepaulv.lattice.core :as lattice])
(def graph {:a [1 2 3] :b [3]})
(lattice/nodes graph)
; => #{1 3 2 :b :a}
(lattice/edges graph)
; => #{[:a 2] [:a 3] [:a 1] [:b 3]}
(lattice/sources graph)
; => #{:b :a}
(lattice/sinks graph)
; => #{1 3 2}
(lattice/inverse graph)
; => {1 #{:a}, 3 #{:b :a}, 2 #{:a}, :b #{}, :a #{}}
Graphs are frequently used to express dependencies between nodes. It's useful to be able to process/reduce over those graphs in a way that respects dependencies. A naive approach linearly reduces over the topological sort, but for many graphs we can do much better than that. Lattice provides support for fork-join reductions that leverage parallelism between independent subgraphs.
(require '[io.github.rutledgepaulv.lattice.core :as lattice])
(require '[clojure.core.async :as async])
; use lattice/reduce for computation tasks
; use lattice/reduce-async for async tasks
; use lattice/reduce-blocking for blocking tasks
{:a [:b :c :d] :d [:b]}
(fn [state node]
(assoc-in state [node] state))))
; =>
; you can see we fork after processing :a
; so :c and :d can process simultaneously
; then, once :d is done, we can process :b
#_{:errors {}
:pending #{}
:visited #{:a :b :c :d}
:result {:a {}
:c {:a {}}
:d {:a {}}
:b {:a {} :d {:a {}}}}}
Lattice uses Clojure protocols to define all functionality in abstract terms while allowing
for concrete type performance optimizations. Every single function is built on just two
underlying protocol functions: (nodes graph)
and either (successors graph node)
or (predecessors graph node)
. Default implementations are already defined in terms
of one another; it does not matter which you implement. However, if you don't implement
either it's a mutually recursive loop that'll blow your stack!