advent-of-code Public
Solutions to Advent of Code programming puzzles over the years.
Elixir UpdatedDec 25, 2024 -
awesome-unity Public
A curated list of awesome Unity assets, resources, and more.
personal-site Public
The code and content for my personal blog.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 11, 2023 -
peer-paint Public
An experimental collaborative real-time pixel art tool created using React and Firebase.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 4, 2023 -
pollster Public
A simple anonymous polling application built with Ruby on Rails and Hotwire
game-jams Public
A collection of various game jam entries.
PixelCamera2D Public
A Pixel Perfect Camera for 2D Games in Unity.
UnityExperiments Public
A collection of small experiments made using the Unity game engine.
docker-starters Public
A simple way to set up various framework development environment using Docker
Dockerfile UpdatedJan 8, 2019 -
tracker Public
A simple way to keep track of the games you've played and the movies you've watched.
Ruby UpdatedDec 20, 2018 -
meta Public
A package that makes it easy to add meta tags to your views with easy Laravel integration.
PoolBoy Public
An easy way to pool game objects in Unity.
SimpleSpriteAnimator Public
Simpler 2D sprite animation in Unity
Letterboxer Public
Easily add letterboxing or pillarboxing to your cameras in Unity.
Bedrock-Unity Public
A collection Unity scripts to help get your projects off the ground.
prez Public
Simple presenters for your PHP or Laravel projects.
laravel-facades Public
An atom.io package to view the source of built-in Laravel 4 facades.
shareable Public
A Laravel 4 package to make it easy to add social sharing buttons.
remove_turbolinks Public
A Ruby on Rails gem that provides a generator for removing Turbolinks from a project.
geo-messenger Public
My, and @webbtj's entry for Node Knockout that allows localized public chat.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 9, 2013 -
wp-togetherjs Public
A Wordpress plugin to easily integrate Mozilla's TogetherJS realtime collaboration service
twitterpated Public
A wordpress plugin to allow easy twitter integration using api 1.1