This was created during my time as a student at Code Chrysalis.
The project is built with Kotlin in Android studio. It uses the following Firebase sercices:
- Authentication
- Storage
- Cloud Firestore
Further screenshots can be found in the Screenshots folder. The following features have been added at the time of writing:
- User authentication
- User profile
- Create multiple boards and invite users to share the board with
- Create lists and tasks that can be assigned to users with access to the board
- Tasks consist of name and an optional due date (datepicker) and color label
- Drag and drop items within a list to change their order
Dependencies are listed in the build.gradle files
To run the application, please use the emulator of Android Studio. A virtual device running Android 10 (Q) is recommended.
All database related functionality is handled in: app/src/main/java/com/example/teamd/firebase/FirestoreClass.kt
Since Firebase was used for handling database, storage and authentication, those features can only be handled wihtin the project in Firebase. For the settings of Firebase, a google-services.json file is necessary. This file can be generated in your Firebase project
Not yet implemented
see Issues
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.