A (really) native and powerful macOS Telegram client, optimized for moderating large communities and personal use.
This client is currently in development and not usable. You can track progress by observing the project table, issues, pull requests, and a Telegram channel (russian).
Project roadmap: Craft
If you have any questions, ask them in Discussions on GitHub, or in a Telegram group (russian). You are strongly encoruaged to use Discussions and the Telegram group instead of Issues for questions. Bug reports and stuff go to Issues. There is a reason why GitHub created Discussions in the first place :D
If you want to contribute a new feature, please make sure you have read the project roadmap. This may guide you what are current goals of the project :D
The development is going with Xcode 13.2. You can download it from Apple Developer.
They can be obtained here. Log in, open API development tools, and fill up needed info. Then click Save changes at the bottom of the page. Leave the page open, this will be needed in the next step!
Generate Secrets file using a command
API_ID=<api_id> API_HASH=<api_hash> Moc/SupportFiles/generate_secrets.sh
Done! You have everything set up. You can now build Moc 😁