Data and code for White & Latty (2020): Flies improve the salience of iridescent sexual signals by orienting toward the sun
- /data: raw data used in our analyses
- meta_data.csv: meta-data describing the contents and structure of orientations.csv
- orientations.csv: main dataset describing the orientation of male Lispe cana during sexual displays
- spec_cloud.csv: solar irradiance spectra under heavy clead, recorded at 0^o^ - 180^o^ offset from the solar azimuth in 10^o^ increments
- spec_sun.csv: solar irradiance spectra under full sun, recorded at 0^o^ - 180^o^ offset from the solar azimuth in 10^o^ increments
- spec_lispe.csv: aggregated reflectance spectra of the faces and wings of male Lispe cana
- /figs: all figures, generated via R
- /output: statistical model outputs, generated via R
- /R: R code for all data processing, visualisation, and analysis