hdoria / xcode-themes
Forked from jbrennan/xcode4themesColor themes for Xcode
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[EN]It is an iOS UI module library for adding animation to iOS tabbar items and icons with Lottie, and adding a bigger center UITabBar Item. [CN]【中国特色 TabBar】一行代码实现 Lottie 动画TabBar,支持中间带+号的TabBar样式…
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
YTKNetwork is a high level request util based on AFNetworking.
⚙️ Browser devtools extension for debugging Vue.js applications.
LaiFeng IOS Live Kit,H264 and AAC Hard coding,support GPUImage Beauty, rtmp transmission,weak network lost frame,Dynamic switching rate
Forked from zfjsyqk/ZFJObsLibZFJObsLib主要是通过Python写的混淆工具,具体功能有方法混淆、属性混淆、类名混淆、添加垃圾代码、自动创建垃圾类、删除注释、修改资源文件Hash值、加密字符串、翻新资源名、模拟人工混淆、混淆文件名、混淆文件目录、混淆词库、混淆日志、映射列表、敏感词过滤、图片压缩、爬虫服务、修改项目名、翻新项目UUID等等!!
Server-side Swift. The Perfect core toolset and framework for Swift Developers. (For mobile back-end development, website and API development, and more…)
Help you pop up custom views easily. and support pop-up animation, layout position, mask effect and gesture interaction etc.
Beautiful animated Alert View. Written in Objective-C