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Simple parsing for node.js.

What is nearley?

nearley uses the Earley parsing algorithm to parse complex data structures easily. nearley is über-fast and really powerful. It can parse anything you throw at it.

nearley is used by artificial intelligence and computational linguistics classes at universities, as well as file format parsers, markup languages and complete programming languages. It's an npm staff pick.

Why do I care?

nearley can parse what other JS parse engines cannot, because it uses a different algorithm. The Earley algorithm is general, which means it can handle any grammar you can define in BNF. In fact, the nearley syntax is written in itself (this is called bootstrapping).

PEGjs and Jison are recursive-descent based, and so they will choke on a lot of grammars, in particular left recursive ones.

nearley also has capabilities to catch errors gracefully, and detect ambiguous grammars (grammars that can be parsed in multiple ways).

Installation and Usage

To compile a parser, use the nearleyc command:

npm install -g nearley

Run nearleyc --help for more options.

To use a generated grammar in a node runtime, install nearley as a module:

npm install nearley
var nearley = require("nearley");
var grammar = require("./my-generated-grammar.js");

To use a generated grammar in a browser runtime, include nearley.js (you can hardlink from Github if you want):

<script src=""></script>
<script src="my-generated-grammar.js"></script>

Parser specification

This is a basic overview of nearley syntax and usage. For an advanced styleguide, see this file.

A parser consists of several nonterminals, which are constructions in a language. A nonterminal is made up of a series of either other nonterminals or strings. In nearley, you define a nonterminal by giving its name and its expansions.

The following grammar matches a number, a plus sign, and another number (anything from a # to the end of a line is ignored as a comment):

expression -> number "+" number

A nonterminal can have multiple expansions, separated by pipes (|):

expression ->
      number "+" number
    | number "-" number
    | number "*" number
    | number "/" number

The parser tries to parse the first nonterminal that you define in a file. However, you can (and should!) introduce more nonterminals as "helpers". In this example, we would have to define the expansion of number.


Each meaning (called a production rule) can have a postprocessing function, that can format the data in a way that you would like:

expression -> number "+" number {%
    function (data, location, reject) {
        return ["sum", data[0], data[2]];

data is an array whose elements match the nonterminals in order. The postprocessor id returns the first token in the match (literally function(data) {data[0];}).

location is the index at which that rule was found. Retaining this information in a syntax tree is useful if you're writing an interpreter and want to give fancy error messages for runtime errors. (This feature is experimental.)

If, after examining the data, you want to force the rule to fail anyway, return reject. An example of this is allowing a variable name to be a word that is not a string:

variable -> word {%
    function(data, location, reject) {
        if (KEYWORDS.indexOf(data[0]) === -1) {
            return data[0]; // It's a valid name 
        } else {
            return reject;  // It's a keyword, so reject it

Epsilon rules

The epsilon rule is the empty rule that matches nothing. The constant null is the epsilon rule, so:

a -> null
    | a "cow"

will match 0 or more cows in a row.


You can use valid RegExp charsets in a rule:

not_a_letter -> [^a-zA-Z]

The . character can be used to represent "any character".


nearley compiles some higher-level constructs into BNF for you. In particular, the *, ?, and + operators from Regexes (or EBNF) are available as shown:

batman -> "na":* "batman" # nananana...nanabatman

You can also use capture groups with parentheses. Its contents can be anything that a rule can have:

banana -> "ba" ("na" {% id %} | "NA" {% id %}):+


For more intricate postprocessors, or any other functionality you may need, you can include parts of literal JavaScript between production rules by surrounding it with @{% ... %}:

@{% var makeCowWithString = require('./cow.js') %}
cow -> "moo" {% function(d) {makeCowWithString(d[0]); } %}

Note that it doesn't matter where you define these; they all get hoisted to the top of the generated code.

Using a parser

nearley exposes the following API:

var grammar = require("generated-code.js");
var nearley = require("nearley");

// Create a Parser object from our grammar.
var p = new nearley.Parser(grammar.ParserRules, grammar.ParserStart);

// Parse something
// p.results --> [ ["sum", "1", "1"] ]

The Parser object can be fed data in parts with .feed(data). You can then find an array of parsings with the .results property. If results is empty, then there are no parsings. If results contains multiple values, then that combination is ambiguous.

The incremental feeding design is inspired so that you can parse data from stream-like inputs, or even dynamic readline inputs. For example, to create a Python-style REPL where it continues to prompt you until you have entered a complete block.

p.feed(prompt_user(">>> "));
while (p.results.length < 1) {
    p.feed(prompt_user("... "));

Exploring a parser interactively

The global install will provide nearley-test, a simple command-line tool you can use to inspect what a parser is doing. You input a generated grammar.js file, and then give it some input to test the parser against. nearley-test prints out the output if successful, and also gives you the complete parse table used by the algorithm. This is very helpful when you're testing a new parser.

This was previously called bin/nearleythere.js and written by Robin.

Still confused?

You can read the calculator example to get a feel for the syntax (see it live here). There are more sample grammars in the /examples directory. For larger examples, we also have experimental parsers for CSV, Lua, and JavaScript.

Catching errors

If there are no possible parsings, nearley will throw an error whose offset property is the index of the offending token.

try {
} catch(parseError) {
        "Error at character " + parseError.offset
    ); // "Error at character 2"


Clone, hack, PR. Tests live in test/ and can be called with npm test. Make sure you read test/profile.log after tests run, and that nothing has died (parsing is tricky, and small changes can kill efficiency).

If you're looking for something to do, here's a short list of things that would make me happy:

  • Optimize. There are still plenty of optimizations that an enterprising JS-savant could implement. In particular, I haven't focused much on optimizing the memory usage.
  • Implement Joop Leo's right-recursion algorithm.
  • Ports to other languages! pearley for Python and cearley for C would be awesome.

Nearley is MIT licensed.

A big thanks to Nathan Dinsmore for teaching me how to Earley, Aria Stewart for helping structure nearley into a mature module, and Robin Windels for bootstrapping the grammar. Additionally, Jacob Edelman wrote an experimental JavaScript parser with nearley and contributed ideas for EBNF support.

Further reading

  • Read my blog post to learn more about the algorithm.
  • Read about Marpa to learn more than you ever thought you wanted to know about parsing.


Simple, fast, powerful parsing for JavaScript.







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