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Code of Infrared Small Targets Detection (ISTD) approaches.
BoxMOT: pluggable SOTA tracking modules for segmentation, object detection and pose estimation models
Infrared Small Target Detection Benchmark Tool
assistant tools for attention visualization in deep learning
Local Contrast and Global Contextual Information Make Infrared Small Object Salient Again and A framework for Binary Segmentation Experienments
This the implementation of our paper entitled "Local Patch Network with Global Attention for Infrared Small Target Detection"
Victor4869 / open-alcnet
Forked from YimianDai/open-alcnetFix issues of ALCNet in master branch, additional features in dev branch.
🕶 A curated list of Tiny Object Detection papers and related resources.
Summary of related papers on visual attention. Related code will be released based on Jittor gradually.
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🍀 Pytorch implementation of various Attention Mechanisms, MLP, Re-parameter, Convolution, which is helpful to further understand papers.⭐⭐⭐
PyTorch implementation of the U-Net for image semantic segmentation with high quality images
code of article ISTDU-Net:Infrared Small-Target Detection U-Net
Repository for "Local Motion and Contrast Priors Driven Deep Network for Infrared Small Target Super-Resolution ", JSTARS, 2022
(TGRS 2022) Paper: Interior Attention-Aware Network for Infrared Small Target Detection
dlut-dimt / TarDAL
Forked from JinyuanLiu-CV/TarDALCVPR 2022 | Target-aware Dual Adversarial Learning and a Multi-scenario Multi-Modality Benchmark to Fuse Infrared and Visible for Object Detection.
Official PyTorch implementation of the paper entitled 'Local Patch Network with Global Attention for Infrared Small Target Detection'.
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