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This artifact runs on c220g5 nodes on NSF Cloudlab.

1. Starting up a 2-node cluster on Cloudlab

  1. The following steps require a bash environment. Please configure the default shell in your CloudLab account to be bash. For how to configure bash on Cloudlab, Please refer to the post "Choose your shell":
  2. When starting a new experiment on Cloudlab, select the small-lan profile
  3. In the profile parameterization page, - Set Number of Nodes as 2 - Set OS image as Ubuntu 20.04 - Set physical node type as c220g5 - Please check Temp Filesystem Max Space - Keep Temporary Filesystem Mount Point as default (/mydata)
  4. Wait for the cluster to be initialized (It may take 5 to 10 minutes)
  5. Extend the disk. This is because Cloudlab only allocates a 16GB disk space. On the master node (node-0) and worker node (node-1), run
sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) /mydata
cd /mydata
git clone
export MYMOUNT=/mydata

2. Install SPRIGHT on the master node (node-0)

Update Kernel of the master node

$ cd /mydata/spright

spright$ ./sigcomm-experiment/env-setup/

# The master node will be rebooted after the script is complete
# Rebooting usually takes 5 - 10 minutes

Re-login to master node after rebooting (node-0)

Install libbpf, dpdk and SPRIGHT

$ cd /mydata/spright

spright$ ./sigcomm-experiment/env-setup/

3. Install Kubernetes control plane and Knative

Setting up the Kubernetes master node (node-0).

$ cd /mydata/spright

spright$ export MYMOUNT=/mydata

spright$ ./sigcomm-experiment/env-setup/

spright$ source ~/.bashrc

spright$ ./sigcomm-experiment/env-setup/ master

## Once the installation of Kuberentes control plane is done, 
## it will print out an token `kubeadm join ...`. 
## **PLEASE copy and save this token somewhere**. 
## The worker node (**node-1**) needs this token to join the Kuberentes control plane.

spright$ echo 'source <(kubectl completion bash)' >>~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

Setting up the Kubernetes worker node (node-1).

$ cd /mydata/spright

spright$ export MYMOUNT=/mydata

spright$ ./sigcomm-experiment/env-setup/

spright$ source ~/.bashrc

spright$ ./sigcomm-experiment/env-setup/ slave

# Use the token returned from the master node (**node-0**) to join the Kubernetes control plane. Run `sudo kubeadm join ...` with the token just saved. Please run the `kubeadm join` command with *sudo*
spright$ sudo kubeadm join <control-plane-token>

Enable pod placement on master node (node-0) and taint worker node (node-1):

$ cd /mydata/spright
spright$ ./sigcomm-experiment/env-setup/

Setting up the Knative.

  1. On the master node (node-0), run
$ cd /mydata/spright
spright$ ./sigcomm-experiment/env-setup/

4. Experiment Workflow

Note: We will run the SPRIGHT components directly as a binary for fast demonstration and testing purpose. To run SPRIGHT as a function pod, please refer to

1 - Online boutique.


  • Program: S-SPRIGHT, D-SPRIGHT, Knative function, gRPC (Kubernetes pod)
  • Metrics: RPS, Latency and CPU usage
  • Time needed to complete experiments: 2 hours

1.0 Install Deps of Locust generator on worker node (node-1)

Worker node (node-1) operations

Install Locust load generator

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/env-setup/

env-setup$ ./

1.1 Run Online boutique using S-SPRIGHT (SKMSG)

Master node (node-0) operations

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/

expt-1-online-boutique$ ./ s-spright

# After the experiment is done (~3 minutes)
# Enter Ctrl+B then D to detach from tmux

Worker node (node-1) operations

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/

expt-1-online-boutique$ ./ spright 8080

# After the experiment is done (~3 minutes)
# Enter Ctrl+B then D to detach from tmux

Consolidate metric files generated by Locust workers on the worker node (node-1)

# Make sure you are on the worker node
$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/

expt-1-online-boutique$ ./ s-spright

1.2 Run Online boutique using D-SPRIGHT (DPDK's RTE rings)

Master node (node-0) operations

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/

expt-1-online-boutique$ ./ d-spright

# After the experiment is done (~3 minutes)
# Enter Ctrl+B then D to detach from tmux

Worker node (node-1) operations

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/

expt-1-online-boutique$ ./ spright 8080

# After the experiment is done (~3 minutes)
# Enter Ctrl+B then D to detach from tmux

Consolidate metric files generated by Locust workers on the worker node (node-1)

# Make sure you are on the worker node
$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/

expt-1-online-boutique$ ./ d-spright

1.3 Run Online boutique using Knative

Master node (node-0) operations

Step-1: start Knative functions

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/

expt-1-online-boutique$ python3 hack/ && cd /mydata/spright/

spright$ kubectl apply -f sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/manifests/knative

# Get the IP of Istio Ingress
spright$ kubectl get po -l istio=ingressgateway -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.hostIP}'

# Get the Port of Istio Ingress
spright$ kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http2")].nodePort}'

# Record the IP of parking proxy, the IP of Istio Ingress and the Port of Istio Ingress, they will be used by the load generator on worker node

Step-2: Start CPU usage collection

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/

expt-1-online-boutique$ ./

Worker node (node-1) operations

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/

# Please use the IP and Port obtained on master node (Step-1 of Knative online boutique)
expt-1-online-boutique$ ./ kn $ISTIO_INGRESS_GW_IP $ISTIO_INGRESS_GW_PORT

Consolidate metric files generated by Locust workers on the worker node (node-1)

# Make sure you are on the worker node
$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/

expt-1-online-boutique$ ./ kn

1.4 Run Online boutique using gRPC

Master node (node-0) operations

Step-1: start gRPC functions

$ cd /mydata/spright

spright$ kubectl apply -f sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/manifests/kubernetes

# Get the IP of Frontend Service
spright$ kubectl get po -l app=frontend -o wide

# Record the IP of Frontend Service, it will be used by the load generator on worker node

Step-2: CPU usage collection

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/

expt-1-online-boutique$ ./

Worker node (node-1) operations

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/

# Please use the IP of frontend service obtained on master node (Step-1 of gRPC online boutique)
expt-1-online-boutique$ ./ kn $FRONTEND_SVC_IP 8080

Consolidate metric files generated by Locust workers on the worker node (node-1)

# Make sure you are on the worker node
$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/

expt-1-online-boutique$ ./ grpc

2 - Motion detection


  • Program: S-SPRIGHT, Knative function
  • Metrics: Latency and CPU usage
  • Time needed to complete experiments: 2 hours

2.0 Download motion dataset

Worker node (node-1) operations

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/env-setup

env-setup$ ./

2.1 Run Motion Detection using S-SPRIGHT

Master node (node-0) operations

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-2-motion-detection/

expt-2-motion-detection$ ./

# After the experiment is done (~60 minutes)
# Enter Ctrl+B then D to detach from tmux

Worker node (node-1) operations Run load generator

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-2-motion-detection/load-generator

load-generator$ python3 --ip --port 8080

2.2 Run Motion Detection using Knative

Master node (node-0) operations Step-1: start knative functions

$ cd /mydata/spright

spright$ kubectl apply -f ./sigcomm-experiment/expt-2-motion-detection/manifests/

# Prepare NGINX config files
spright$ cd sigcomm-experiment/expt-2-motion-detection/hack/
hack$ python3 && cd /mydata/spright

# Waiting until functions are started up
spright$ kubectl cp sigcomm-experiment/expt-2-motion-detection/cfg/default.conf motion-proxy:etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
spright$ kubectl cp sigcomm-experiment/expt-2-motion-detection/cfg/nginx.conf motion-proxy:etc/nginx/nginx.conf

# Reload NGINX proxy and install curl inside NGINX
spright$ kubectl exec -it motion-proxy -- sh
/$ apk add curl
/$ nginx -t && nginx -s reload
/$ exit

# Get the IP of motion-proxy pod
spright$ kubectl get pod motion-proxy -o wide

# Record the IP, it will be used by the load generator on worker node

Step-2: CPU usage collection

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-2-motion-detection/

expt-2-motion-detection$ ./

Worker node (node-1) operations Run load generator

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-2-motion-detection/load-generator

# use the IP of motion proxy obtained from master node
load-generator$ python3 --ip <motion-proxy-ip> --port 80

3 - Parking detection & Charging.


  • Program: S-SPRIGHT, Knative function
  • Metrics: Latency and CPU usage
  • Time needed to complete experiments: 30 minutes

3.1 Run the parking detection function chain using S-SPRIGHT

Master node (node-0) operations

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-3-parking/

expt-3-parking$ ./

# After the experiment is done (~12 minutes)
# Enter Ctrl+B then D to detach from tmux

Worker node (node-1) operations Run load generator

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-3-parking/load-generator

load-generator$ python3 --ip --port 8080

3.2 Run the parking detection function chain using Knative

Master node (node-0) operations Step-1: start knative functions

$ cd /mydata/spright

spright$ kubectl apply -f ./sigcomm-experiment/expt-3-parking/manifests/

# Prepare NGINX config files
spright$ cd sigcomm-experiment/expt-3-parking/hack/
hack$ python3 && cd /mydata/spright

# Waiting until functions are started up
spright$ kubectl cp sigcomm-experiment/expt-3-parking/cfg/default.conf parking-proxy:etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
spright$ kubectl cp sigcomm-experiment/expt-3-parking/cfg/nginx.conf parking-proxy:etc/nginx/nginx.conf

# Reload NGINX proxy and install curl inside NGINX
spright$ kubectl exec -it parking-proxy -- sh
/$ apk add curl
/$ nginx -t && nginx -s reload
/$ exit

# Get the IP of motion-proxy pod
spright$ kubectl get pod parking-proxy -o wide

# Get the IP of Istio Ingress
spright$ kubectl get po -l istio=ingressgateway -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.hostIP}'

# Get the Port of Istio Ingress
spright$ kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http2")].nodePort}'

# Record the IP of parking proxy, the IP of Istio Ingress and the Port of Istio Ingress, they will be used by the load generator on worker node

Step-2: CPU usage collection

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-3-parking/

expt-3-parking$ ./

Worker node (node-1) operations Run load generator

$ cd /mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-3-parking/load-generator

# use the IP of parking proxy, the IP of Istio Ingress and the Port of Istio Ingress obtained from master node
load-generator$ python3 --nginxip <motion-proxy-ip> --nginxport 80 --istioip <istio-ingress-ip> --istioport <istio-ingress-port>

5. Download metric logs to your local machine.

  • Prerequisite: create a "results" directory on your local machine if you do not have

Download Online Boutique experiment raw metric files

# Go to the "results" directory on your local machine
$ cd $HOME/results

# Creating a directory to put parking experiment related metric files
results$ mkdir online_boutique && cd online_boutique

# Replace the correct user ID and hostname of your cloudlab machine
# Download metric files on the master node
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/online-boutique-results/dpdk_gw.cpu ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/online-boutique-results/dpdk_nf.cpu ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/online-boutique-results/grpc-recom.cpu ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/online-boutique-results/grpc-front-prod.cpu ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/online-boutique-results/grpc-others.cpu ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/online-boutique-results/kn-gw.cpu ./online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/online-boutique-results/kn-queue.cpu ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/online-boutique-results/kn-front-prod.cpu ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/online-boutique-results/kn-others.cpu ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/online-boutique-results/kn-recom.cpu ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/online-boutique-results/skmsg_fn.cpu ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/online-boutique-results/skmsg_gw.cpu ./

# Download metric files on the worker node
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-1-hostname>:/mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/rps_stats_d-spright.csv ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-1-hostname>:/mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/latency_of_each_req_stats_d-spright.csv ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-1-hostname>:/mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/rps_stats_s-spright.csv ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-1-hostname>:/mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/latency_of_each_req_stats_s-spright.csv ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-1-hostname>:/mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/rps_stats_grpc.csv ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-1-hostname>:/mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/latency_of_each_req_stats_grpc.csv ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-1-hostname>:/mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/rps_stats_kn.csv ./
online_boutique$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-1-hostname>:/mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-1-online-boutique/latency_of_each_req_stats_kn.csv ./

Download Motion Detection experiment raw metric files

# Go to the "results" directory on your local machine
$ cd $HOME/results

# Creating a directory to put parking experiment related metric files
results$ mkdir motion && cd motion

# Replace the correct user ID and hostname of your cloudlab machine
# Download metric files on the master node
motion$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/motion-detection-results/kn-queue.motion.cpu ./
motion$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/motion-detection-results/kn-gw.motion.cpu ./
motion$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/motion-detection-results/kn-fn.motion.cpu ./
motion$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/motion-detection-results/skmsg_gw.motion.cpu ./
motion$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/motion-detection-results/skmsg_fn.motion.cpu ./

# Download metric files on the worker node
motion$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-1-hostname>:/mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-2-motion-detection/load-generator/skmsg_motion_output.csv ./
motion$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-1-hostname>:/mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-2-motion-detection/load-generator/kn_motion_output.csv ./

Download Parking experiment raw metric files

# Go to the "results" directory on your local machine
$ cd $HOME/results

# Creating a directory to put parking experiment related metric files
results$ mkdir parking && cd parking

# Replace the correct user ID and hostname of your cloudlab machine
# Download metric files on the master node
parking$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/parking-results/kn-queue.parking.cpu ./
parking$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/parking-results/kn-gw.parking.cpu ./
parking$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/parking-results/kn-fn.parking.cpu ./
parking$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/parking-results/skmsg_gw.parking.cpu ./
parking$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-0-hostname>:/mydata/parking-results/skmsg_fn.parking.cpu ./

# Download metric files on the worker node
parking$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-1-hostname>:/mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-3-parking/load-generator/kn.parking_output.csv ./
parking$ scp <cloudlab-userid>@<node-1-hostname>:/mydata/spright/sigcomm-experiment/expt-3-parking/load-generator/skmsg.parking_output.csv ./

6. Re-producing figures (camera-ready version) in the manuscript (on your local machine).

Download script to the 'results' directory

# Go to the "results" directory on your local machine
$ cd $HOME/results

results$ git clone
results$ cp spright-figures/* ./
# Figure-9: RPS for online boutique workload: {Knative, gRPC} at 5K & {D-SPRIGHT, S-SPRIGHT } at 25K concurrency.

# Figure-10 (a) - (i)

# Figure-11 (a), (b)

# Figure-12 (a), (b)

7. Misc.

Compile the eBPF code into an object file

cd ebpf/
clang -g -O2 -c -target bpf -o sk_msg_kern.o sk_msg_kern.c

# Copy sk_msg_kern.o to obj/
cp sk_msg_kern.o ../obj/

# Debugging purpose: output bpf_printk()
sudo cat  /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe


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  • C 83.4%
  • Shell 6.5%
  • Python 5.5%
  • Go 2.6%
  • Makefile 2.0%