Tech Mahindra
- Hyderabad, Telangana, India
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/syed-mohammad-quadri-396417193/
Full Stack E-Commerce web app using ReactJS and Firebase
A Socket.io / React Js real time multiplayer flash card game for learning.
Artificial intelligence powered real-time video analytics software for retail stores
People Counting in Real-Time with an IP camera.
Social media made with React, Node, Express and MongoDB (MERN)
Netflix clone using ReactJS and Firebase
Building a social network with MERN stack
Now you can get Flight ticket fare with this wonderful end to end project.
Deep Learning Project
This repository consists of all my Machine Learning Projects.
Machine Learning Project
Machine Learning Project
Machine Learning Project
Machine Learning Project
🏀 predicting the NBA mvp (3/3 so far)