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Code of experiments reported in "Evaluation of computational models of infant language development against robust empirical data from meta-analyses: what, why, and how?"


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MetaEval Experiments

This repository contains the code to replicate the experiments for the infant-direct speech (IDS) preference and vowel discrimination capabilities reported in the manuscript "Introducing meta-analysis in the evaluation of computational models of infant language development". Replication can be either from scratch or from the precomputed results.

For replication from scratch, you will need to download the data as explain in Corpora section, train the models from scratch following the instructions on Models and generate the predictions as explained in Predictions, and then run the experiments as explained in Run test and Obtain effect sizes sections.

For replication from the precomputed results, you can directly follow the instructions in Obtain effect sizes. This will reproduce figures 5.a, 5.b and 5.c in the manuscript. For replicating figure 6 you can follow the instructions in Obtain summary results.


The code was developed using Python 3.8, TensorFlow 2.1.0 and R version 4.1.1

To execute the python code the dependencies are specified in requirements.yml for conda the environment. To create the environment run:

conda env create -f requirements.yml

use requirements_across_platforms.yml if you find problems with requirements.yml

Then you can activate the conda environment for executing the code

conda activate metaeval_env

Then you will to clone this repository, for example:

git clone [email protected]:SPEECHCOG/metaeval_experiments.git


In order to run the experiments, you will need to download the stimuli for each test.

IDS Preference data

The stimuli employed for this test correspond to the utterances recorded in the ManyBabies experiment

You can download stimuli from the ManyBabies1 repository in ''ManyBabies 1: Stimuli Creation and Norming'' under OSF Storage. We selected the 120 utterances per speech style based on the list available on tabs AD selected and ID selected. The final 240 recordings are available upon request if necessary.

Save the stimuli using a folder structure like the example below.

├── IDS                      
│   ├── utterance1.wav      
│   ├── ...         
│   └── utteranceN.wav      
└── ADS                      
	├── utterance1.wav      
	├── ...         
	└── utteranceN.wav

Vowel Discrimination data

The vowel discrimination task utilises three corpora for the vowel contrasts: Hillenbrand's corpus, OLLO corpus and isolated vowel corpus (IVC).

In order to run the experiment, you will need to download all three.

Hillenbrand's Corpus

This corpus consists of /hVd/ contexts for 12 American English vowels. In the experiment is used for native vowel contrasts.

The original dataset can be downloaded from

For preprocessing you will need meta-data files and wav files. That is:

Unzip the files in the same folder.

OLLO Corpus

This corpus consists of simple non-sense CVC and VCV contexts spoken by:

  • 40 German
  • 10 French

Where each logatome is spoken in six different styles:

  • Load speaking effort
  • Soft speaking effort
  • Fast speaking rate
  • Slow speaking rate
  • Rising pitch (question)
  • Normal

This corpus was employed for non-native vowel contrasts.

For the experiments you will need to download a subset of this corpus, OLLO2.0_NO.ZIP and the meta-data: OLLO2.0_README.ZIP and OLLO2.0_LABELS.ZIP, also available in the previous link.

Isolate Vowel Corpus

This corpus contains isolated vowels synthesised with MBROLA voices.

It includes vowels from Dutch, French, German and Japanese (non-native vowel contrasts) and English (native vowel contrasts).

You can download wav files and corpus_info binary file from IVC repository


Once you have all the corpora, the input data for models and corpora information files can be created. The procedures are similar for both experiments. Activate the conda environment before executing python scripts.

IDS Preference data processing

Create input data for models. Place yourself in the main folder of the repository before executing the following commands.

cd ids_preference
python trial_processing/ --trials_path path_wav_files_trials --output_path path_h5py_output_file

Where path_wav_files_trials is the path to the folder containing the IDS/ADS folders with the wav files. Use the same folder structure as described in IDS Preference data section.

Vowel Discrimination data processing

First create corpora information files and then create the input features for models.

Note: IVC corpus_info.pickle is available in the corpus repository. Place yourself in the main folder of the repository before executing the following commands.

cd vowel_discrimination

Hillenbrand's corpus

  1. Create corpus_info.pickle file.
python corpus_processing/ --corpus_path path_main_folder_corpus --output_path path_corpus_info_file

Where path_main_folder_corpus is the path to the main folder of the corpus. This folder should contain the meta-data files and the wav files. The structure of the folder should be similar to:

├── iddata.dat.txt
├── kids
├── men
├── timedata.dat.txt
├── women

  1. Create input features for model
python corpus_processing/ --corpus hc --audio_path path_zip_or_folder_with_audio_files --output_path path_h5py_output_file --corpus_info_path path_to_corpus_info 

Where path_zip_or_folder_with_audio_files is the path to the zip file or folder with the wav files.

OLLO corpus

  1. Create corpus_info.pickle file
python corpus_processing/ -corpus_path path_main_folder_corpus --audios_zip_path path_zip_with_trials --output_path path_corpus_info_file

Where path_main_folder_corpus is the path to the main folder of the corpus, and audios_zip_path is the path to the zip file with the audio files. The structure of the main folder should be similar to:

├── OLLO2.0_NO.ZIP
  1. Create input features for model
python corpus_processing/ --corpus oc --audio_path path_zip_or_folder_with_audio_files --output_path path_h5py_output_file --corpus_info_path path_to_corpus_info 

Where audio_path is the path to the zip file OLLO2.0_NO.ZIP with the wav files.

IVC corpus

  1. Create input features for model
python corpus_processing/ --corpus ivc --audio_path path_zip_or_folder_with_audio_files --output_path path_h5py_output_file

Where path_main_folder_corpus is the path to the folder with wav files of the Isolated Vowels Corpus.


We trained Autoregressive Predictive Coding (APC) and Contrastive Predictive Coding (CPC) models with LibriSpeech 960 hours and SpokenCOCO 742 hours. Example of untrained, and 18th epoch trained APC models can be found in models folder.

Code to train models can be found on PC models.

Predictions for Vowel Discrimination

For the vowel discrimination test, you will need to calculate the encoded stimulus representations before calculating the distance between any pair of trials.

To obtain the prediction files execute. Place yourself in the main folder of the repository before executing the following commands:

cd vowel_discrimination
python pc_predictions_calculation/ --input_features_path path_input_features_file --output_path path_h5py_predictions_file --model_path path_pc_model_file --pc_model [apc|cpc]

Run tests

Once you have input features, models and predictions (for vowel discrimination), you can calculate the dependent variables according to each test.

Obtain dependent variables

IDS Preference

By executing the next command you will get the csv files with the attentional preference score per frame and trials that will later be used to calculate the effect size. Place yourself in the main folder of the repository before executing the following commands.

cd ids_preference
python pc_attentional_score_calculation/ --model_path h5py_path --input_path path_to_h5py_input_features --output_csv_path path_output_csv_file --model_type [apc|cpc]

Vowel Discrimination

Similarly, for the vowel discrimination you will need to create the csv files with the DTW distances per contrast.

For that you need to provide the details of input features, predictions, corpus information file and details of output file paths, and type of test (basic or basic_non_native). Please follow the example file vowel_discrimination/evaluation_protocol/tests_setups/default_configuration.json.

Place yourself in the main folder of the repository before executing the following commands.

cd vowel_discrimination
python evaluation_protocol/tests_setups/ --config path_json_config_file

Obtain effect sizes

To obtain the effect sizes, you will need to run the R scripts. We recommend the use of RStudio for this section.

You can replicate the results of the manuscript by employing the csv files already available in the folder test_results_large_apc in r_scripts/<test>/test_results_large_apc. Alternatively you can copy the csv files previously generate in that folder.

You are ready to run the scripts to obtain the effect sizes and plots as in the manuscript. For the IDS preference test: r_scripts/ids_preference/obtain_dev_trajectories.Rand for the vowel discrimination test: r_scripts/vowel_discrimination/obtain_dev_trajectories.R

Obtain summary results

For this step you will need first to run the R script summary_results/get_summary_tables.R this will generate three csv files: summary_results/summary_table_es.csv with the effect sizes obtained from the meta-analysis, summary_results/summary_table_lb.csv with the lower bound of the effect sizes and summary_results/apc_results.csv with the results of the APC model.

Then you can run the python script summary_results/ to obtain the figure comparing model and infant data within an unique table.

python summary_results/


The ManyBabies Consortium. (2020). Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed speech preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (AMPPS), 3(1), 24-52. DOI: 10.1177/2515245919900809

James Hillenbrand, Laura A. Getty, Michael J. Clark, and Kimberlee Wheeler , "Acoustic characteristics of American English vowels", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 97, 3099-3111 (1995)

Meyer BT, Jürgens T, Wesker T, Brand T, Kollmeier B. Human phoneme recognition depending on speech-intrinsic variability. J Acoust Soc Am. 2010 Nov;128(5):3126-41. doi: 10.1121/1.3493450. PMID: 21110608.

Citing this work

María Andrea Cruz Blandón, Alejandrina Cristia, Okko Räsänen. (2023). Introducing meta-analysis in the evaluation of computational models of infant language development. Accepted for publication in Cognitive Science Journal


If you find any issue please report it on the issues section in this repository. Further comments can be sent to maria <dot> cruzblandon <at> tuni <dot> fi


Code of experiments reported in "Evaluation of computational models of infant language development against robust empirical data from meta-analyses: what, why, and how?"







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