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change table storage format to allow growing and implement table.grow…
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… and table.size
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SPY committed Aug 22, 2023
1 parent b2f001a commit 4e9cb99
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Showing 5 changed files with 68 additions and 17 deletions.
61 changes: 46 additions & 15 deletions src/Language/Wasm/Interpreter.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ data Label = Label ResultType deriving (Show, Eq)

type Address = Int

type TableStore = IOVector (Maybe Address)
type TableStore = IORef (IOVector (Maybe Address))

data TableInstance = TableInstance {
t :: TableType,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ allocTables = fmap Vector.fromList . mapM allocTable
allocTable :: Table -> IO TableInstance
allocTable (Table t@(TableType lim@(Limit from to) _)) =
let elements = MVector.replicate (fromIntegral from) Nothing in
TableInstance t <$> elements
TableInstance t <$> (elements >>= newIORef)

defaultBudget :: Natural
defaultBudget = 300
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -562,14 +562,14 @@ initialize inst Module {elems, datas, start} = do
let idx = tableaddrs inst ! fromIntegral tableIndex
let last = from + length funcs
let TableInstance lim elems = tableInstances st ! idx
let len = MVector.length elems
len <- MVector.length <$> (liftIO $ readIORef elems)
Monad.when (last > len) $ throwError "out of bounds table access"
return (idx, elemaddrs inst ! elemN, from, funcs)

initElem :: (Address, Address, Int, [Maybe Address]) -> Initialize ()
initElem (tableIdx, elemIdx, from, funcs) = do
Store {tableInstances, elemInstances} <- State.get
let elems = items $ tableInstances ! tableIdx
elems <- liftIO $ readIORef $ items $ tableInstances ! tableIdx
let ElemInstance {isDropped} = elemInstances ! elemIdx
liftIO $ writeIORef isDropped True
Monad.forM_ (zip [from..] funcs) $ uncurry $ MVector.unsafeWrite elems
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -777,10 +777,11 @@ eval budget store FunctionInstance { funcType, moduleInstance, code = Function {
let funcType = funcTypes moduleInstance ! fromIntegral typeIdx
let TableInstance { items } = tableInstances store ! (tableaddrs moduleInstance ! fromIntegral tableIdx)
let pos = fromIntegral v
if pos >= MVector.length items
funcs <- readIORef items
if pos >= MVector.length funcs
then return Trap
else do
maybeAddr <- MVector.unsafeRead items pos
maybeAddr <- MVector.unsafeRead funcs pos
let checks = do
addr <- maybeAddr
let funcInst = funcInstances store ! addr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -922,15 +923,16 @@ eval budget store FunctionInstance { funcType, moduleInstance, code = Function {
let src = fromIntegral s
let dst = fromIntegral d
let len = fromIntegral n
els <- readIORef items
isDropped <- readIORef dropFlag
if src + len > Vector.length refs
|| dst + len > MVector.length items
|| dst + len > MVector.length els
|| isDropped
|| isDeclarative mode
then return Trap
else do
Vector.iforM_ (Vector.slice src len refs) $ \idx (RF fn) -> do
MVector.unsafeWrite items (dst + idx) (fromIntegral <$> fn)
MVector.unsafeWrite els (dst + idx) (fromIntegral <$> fn)
return $ Done ctx { stack = rest }
step ctx@EvalCtx{ stack = (VI32 n:VI32 s:VI32 d:rest) } (TableCopy toIdx fromIdx) = do
let fromAddr = tableaddrs moduleInstance ! fromIntegral fromIdx
Expand All @@ -940,14 +942,41 @@ eval budget store FunctionInstance { funcType, moduleInstance, code = Function {
let src = fromIntegral s
let dst = fromIntegral d
let len = fromIntegral n
if src + len > MVector.length fromItems || dst + len > MVector.length toItems
fromEls <- readIORef fromItems
toEls <- readIORef toItems
if src + len > MVector.length fromEls || dst + len > MVector.length toEls
then return Trap
else do
let range = if dst <= src then [0..len - 1] else reverse [0..len - 1]
flip mapM_ range $ \off -> do
el <- MVector.unsafeRead fromItems (src + off)
MVector.unsafeWrite toItems (dst + off) el
el <- MVector.unsafeRead fromEls (src + off)
MVector.unsafeWrite toEls (dst + off) el
return $ Done ctx { stack = rest }
step ctx@EvalCtx{ stack } (TableSize tableIdx) = do
let tableAddr = tableaddrs moduleInstance ! fromIntegral tableIdx
let TableInstance { items } = tableInstances store ! tableAddr
len <- MVector.length <$> readIORef items
return $ Done ctx { stack = VI32 (fromIntegral len) : stack }
step ctx@EvalCtx{ stack = (VI32 growBy:ref:rest) } (TableGrow tableIdx) = do
let tableAddr = tableaddrs moduleInstance ! fromIntegral tableIdx
let TableInstance { items, t } = tableInstances store ! tableAddr
let TableType (Limit _ max) _ = t
let inc = fromIntegral growBy
let val = case ref of
RE extRef -> extRef
RF fnRef -> fnRef
v -> error "Impossible due to validation"
els <- readIORef items
let currLen = MVector.length els
let newLen = currLen + inc
if maybe False ((newLen >) . fromIntegral) max || newLen > 0xFFFFFFFF
then return $ Done ctx { stack = VI32 (asWord32 $ -1):rest }
else do
newEls <- MVector.grow els inc
writeIORef items newEls
Monad.forM_ [ - 1] $ \off ->
MVector.unsafeWrite newEls (currLen + off) (fromIntegral <$> val)
return $ Done ctx { stack = VI32 (fromIntegral currLen):rest }
step ctx@EvalCtx{ stack = (ref:VI32 offset:rest) } (TableSet tableIdx) = do
let tableAddr = tableaddrs moduleInstance ! fromIntegral tableIdx
let TableInstance { items } = tableInstances store ! tableAddr
Expand All @@ -956,19 +985,21 @@ eval budget store FunctionInstance { funcType, moduleInstance, code = Function {
RE extRef -> extRef
RF fnRef -> fnRef
v -> error "Impossible due to validation"
if dst > MVector.length items
els <- readIORef items
if dst > MVector.length els
then return Trap
else do
MVector.unsafeWrite items dst (fromIntegral <$> val)
MVector.unsafeWrite els dst (fromIntegral <$> val)
return $ Done ctx { stack = rest }
step ctx@EvalCtx{ stack = (VI32 offset:rest) } (TableGet tableIdx) = do
let tableAddr = tableaddrs moduleInstance ! fromIntegral tableIdx
let TableInstance { t = TableType _ et, items } = tableInstances store ! tableAddr
let dst = fromIntegral offset
if dst > MVector.length items
els <- readIORef items
if dst > MVector.length els
then return Trap
else do
v <- MVector.unsafeRead items dst
v <- MVector.unsafeRead els dst
let val = (case et of {FuncRef -> RF; ExternRef -> RE}) (fromIntegral <$> v)
return $ Done ctx { stack = val : rest }
step ctx (ElemDrop elemIdx) = do
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/Language/Wasm/Parser.y
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -482,6 +482,8 @@ plaininstr :: { PlainInstr }
| 'table.get' index { TableGet $2 }
| 'table.set' index { TableSet $2 }
| 'table.copy' index index { TableCopy $2 $3 }
| 'table.size' index { TableSize $2 }
| 'table.grow' index { TableGrow $2 }
| 'elem.drop' index { ElemDrop $2 }
-- numeric instructions
| 'i32.const' int32 { I32Const $2 }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1729,6 +1731,14 @@ desugarize fields = do
Just toIdx -> return $ S.TableCopy toIdx fromIdx
Nothing -> Left "unknown table"
Nothing -> Left "unknown table"
synInstrToStruct FunCtx { ctxMod } (PlainInstr (TableSize tableIdx)) =
case getTableIndex ctxMod tableIdx of
Just tableIdx -> return $ S.TableSize tableIdx
Nothing -> Left "unknown table"
synInstrToStruct FunCtx { ctxMod } (PlainInstr (TableGrow tableIdx)) =
case getTableIndex ctxMod tableIdx of
Just tableIdx -> return $ S.TableGrow tableIdx
Nothing -> Left "unknown table"
synInstrToStruct FunCtx { ctxMod } (PlainInstr (TableSet tableIdx)) =
case getTableIndex ctxMod tableIdx of
Just tableIdx -> return $ S.TableSet tableIdx
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Language/Wasm/Script.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -193,7 +193,8 @@ runScript onAssertFail script = do
getFailureString Validate.GlobalIsImmutable = ["global is immutable"]
getFailureString Validate.InvalidStartFunctionType = ["start function"]
getFailureString Validate.InvalidTableType = ["size minimum must not be greater than maximum"]
getFailureString r = [TL.concat ["not implemented ", (TL.pack $ show r)]]
getFailureString (Validate.ElemIndexOutOfRange idx) = ["unknown elem segment " <> TL.pack (show idx)]
getFailureString r = [TL.concat ["not implemented ", TL.pack $ show r]]

printFailedAssert :: String -> Assertion -> AssertM ()
printFailedAssert msg assert = do
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/Language/Wasm/Validate.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -388,6 +388,15 @@ getInstrType (TableCopy toIdx fromIdx) = do
let TableType _ toType = tables !! to
when (fromType /= toType) $ throwError (RefTypeMismatch fromType toType)
return $ [I32, I32, I32] ==> empty
getInstrType (TableSize tableIdx) = do
Ctx { tables } <- ask
when (length tables <= fromIntegral tableIdx) $ throwError (TableIndexOutOfRange tableIdx)
return $ empty ==> I32
getInstrType (TableGrow tableIdx) = do
Ctx { tables } <- ask
when (length tables <= fromIntegral tableIdx) $ throwError (TableIndexOutOfRange tableIdx)
let TableType _ tableType = tables !! fromIntegral tableIdx
return $ [elemTypeToRefType tableType, I32] ==> I32
getInstrType (TableGet tableIdx) = do
Ctx { tables } <- ask
when (length tables <= fromIntegral tableIdx) $ throwError (TableIndexOutOfRange tableIdx)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/Test.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ main = do
files <-
filter (not . List.isPrefixOf "simd") . filter (List.isSuffixOf ".wast")
<$> Directory.listDirectory "tests/spec"
let files = ["table_init.wast"]
let files = ["table_copy.wast"]
scriptTestCases <- (`mapM` files) $ \file -> do
test <- LBS.readFile ("tests/spec/" ++ file)
return $ testCase file $ do
Expand Down

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