#Working Link demo line to line https://projectsflix.com/php/make-online-jee-mainsbitsat-exam-using-phpjavascriptcssmysql/
This online quiz is same like the online jee mains.This quiz consists of 10 questions and 10 buttons along with MarkforReview button,SaveandNext and Submit button and the button colour changes when clicked on the respective buttons.THIS QUIZ IS MADE BY USING CSS,JAVASCRIPT,MYSQL,PHP,HTML.
HELLO FOLKS, first download this zip inorder to run this u need to install php,xampp. so goto C:\xampp\htdocs and in place of index.php jst copy this index.php code and open xampp controlpanel and start localhost,start MYSQL. and copy all files from here and paste in this folder (C:\xampp\htdocs). goto chrome and open phpmyadmin and import the register (2).sql file so that u can create register database and registerpage table. then goto chrome and type localhost and u will find the project opened there. You can develop this project even better by adding more subjects and storing the questions & answers in the database by keeping attractive GUI. happy coding!!!