== README == #backend developer skills bankend developer should master a collection of skills in different domains, including: 1. net programming; 2. common used data structures; 3. widely applied algorithms; 4. linux shell & kernel; 5. debugging & performance analysis; 6. security setting and hack prevention; 7. database management; 8. server development & deployment & maintenance;
1.) Prerequisites 2.) Building 3.) Installing 4.) Contributing
This project requires:
- Cross-platform Make (CMake) v2.6.2+
- GNU Make or equivalent.
- GCC or an alternative, reasonably conformant C++ compiler.
- Boost C++ Libraries v1.37+ [HEADERS and LIBRARIES]
- Qt Framework v4.5+
- Log4Cxx v0.10.0+
- UnitTest++ (a.k.a. unittest-cpp)
== 2. BUILDING ==
This project uses the Cross-platform Make (CMake) build system. However, we have conveniently provided a wrapper configure script and Makefile so that the typical build invocation of "./configure" followed by "make" will work. For a list of all possible build targets, use the command "make help".
NOTE: Users of CMake may believe that the top-level Makefile has been generated by CMake; it hasn't, so please do not delete that file.
Once the project has been built (see "BUILDING"), execute "sudo make install".
TODO: Enhance section.