$ ./hi35xx-tool --chip <chip> --type=<ddr,spi,nand> --file=<file.bin> --port=<comport> --debug
- chipname, for example "hi3520dv200" -
- loading type, ddr or spi or nand -
- uboot.bin, bootloader for selected chip -
- uart port, by default /dev/ttyUSB0 -
--debug or -d
- print more info
./hi35xx-tool --chip hi3516cv300 --file=u-boot/hi3516cv300.bin
Download special recovery mode version of U-Boot.
$ ./hi35xx-tool --chip hi3516ev200 --file=u-boot-hi3516ev300-beta.bin ; screen -L /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
Real world example on U-Boot developing for CV300 board:
set -e
# In case of buggy USB UART adapter
sudo usbreset /dev/bus/usb/005/007
# In U-Boot directory:
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-hisiv500-linux- -j$(nproc)
cp u-boot.bin full-boot.bin
cp reg_info_hi3516cv300.bin ./hi3516cv300.reg
make CPU=hi3516cv300 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-hisiv500-linux- mini-boot.bin
#./mkboot.sh reg_info_hi3516cv300.bin u-boot-ok.bin
cp mini-boot.bin ~/git/burn
cd ~/git/burn
# Custom script to power reset camera via network switch
./hi35xx-tool --chip hi3516cv300 --file=mini-boot.bin
screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200