C Minus Minus, or C--, is a subset of C programming language.
Here is an interpreter for CMM, run in command line. It's written in C, based on GNU Flex & Bison, which can be easily installed in Linux. You would already have them if you've installed Xcode on your mac.
Work flow:
It supports following types:
- int
- real(float)
- bool
- array
- while
and standard I/O:
- read(var)
- write(var)
You don't need to write main function, actually it doesn't support function. It also supports comments, both /*comment*/ and //comment . You can use -t to let the interpreter print the syntax tree, but you may only put the sign at the last position of line like this: ./interpreter test2.cmm -s
Syntax tree:
Symbol table:
That's all. Have fun. ;-D
Notice: It does not support variable definition with declaration, which means you have to do this: int var; var = 3; instead of int var = 3; Same for arrays.