BloodHoundOperator Public
BloodHound PowerShell client
BloodHound Public
Forked from SpecterOps/BloodHoundSix Degrees of Domain Admin - Fork
CypherDog Public
PoSh BloodHound Dog Whisperer
HandsOnBloodHound Public
Material for the "Hands-On BloodHound" Workshop
DAMP Public
Forked from HarmJ0y/DAMPThe Discretionary ACL Modification Project: Persistence Through Host-based Security Descriptor Modification
Empire Public
Forked from EmpireProject/EmpireEmpire is a PowerShell and Python post-exploitation agent.
EmpireDog Public
A collection of PowerShell Modules for BloodHound/Empire Orchestration
PowerEmpire2Beta Public
Empire2.0 compatible version of DarkOperator's PowerEmpire PowerShell Module - Beta Version