Welcome to ColorForge! This web app is your ultimate tool for previewing colors for the MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) game, Legends of the Jedi. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting, ColorForge makes it easy to visualize and manage your color schemes.
- Palettes Galore 🎨: Create, save, and explore different color palettes to find the perfect look for your MUD adventures.
- Full MUD Color Support 🌌: Supports all the colors used in Legends of the Jedi, ensuring you can preview exactly how your colors will appear in-game.
- Import & Export 🔄: Easily import your existing color schemes or export your creations to share with friends or use in other sessions.
- Visit the App: Open ColorForge in your web browser.
- Create Your Palette: Start by selecting colors and building your palette.
- Preview Colors: See how your colors will look in Legends of the Jedi.
- Save & Share: Save your palette and share it with friends or export it for future use.
- Add Colors: Click on the color picker to add a new color to your palette.
- Adjust Settings: Fine-tune your colors to match your preferences.
- Preview: Use the preview feature to see how your colors will appear in the game.
- Import: Click on the "Import" button and paste your color data.
- Load: See your imported colors instantly and make adjustments if needed.
- Export: Click on the "Export" button to copy your color data.
- Share: Share the exported data with friends or save it for later use.
We welcome contributions! If you have ideas or improvements, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request. Let's make ColorForge even better together!
- Legends of the Jedi: The amazing MUD game that inspired this project.
- Community: Thanks to the Legends of the Jedi community, all of you are amazing 💖
Enjoy your color creation journey with ColorForge! 🌟