A simple pure Julia implementation of the book Ray Tracing in One Weekend.
The code has no dependencies other than StaticArrays
, which is used for various struct
s. The ray-traced image can be generated by running the following command.
# Generate the ray-traced image
julia -t<nthreads> --optimize=3 -C native main.jl > image.ppm
The generated image can be viewed with any image viewer.
(an alias for SVector{4}
) is used instead of SVector{3}
, with the fourth component being ignored. All operations on Vector4
s require fewer instructions compared to operations on Vector3
s, at the expense of slightly more memory usage.
v = Vector4{Float64}(ones(4))
w = Vector4{Float64}(ones(4))
@code_native v .* w
Assembly output for element-wise product of Vector4
mov rax, rdi
vmovupd ymm0, ymmword ptr [rsi]
vmulpd ymm0, ymm0, ymmword ptr [rdx]
vmovupd ymmword ptr [rdi], ymm0
v = Vector3{Float64}(ones(3))
w = Vector3{Float64}(ones(3))
@code_native v .* w
Assembly output for element-wise product of Vector3
mov rax, rdi
vmovsd xmm0, qword ptr [rsi + 16]
vmulsd xmm0, xmm0, qword ptr [rdx + 16]
vmovupd xmm1, xmmword ptr [rsi]
vmulpd xmm1, xmm1, xmmword ptr [rdx]
vmovupd xmmword ptr [rdi], xmm1
vmovsd qword ptr [rdi + 16], xmm0