Server>> Storing certain book data >> User Register >>Subscriber
This is a book record management API server for the library system or management of certain records or books.
Fine System: User: 02/01/24-02/03/24 03/03/24 => Rs 50
3 months subscription (Basic) 6 months subscription (Standard) 12 months subscription (Premium)
If the subscription type is standard && if the subscription date id 02/01/2024 => then subscription valid till 02/06/2024
within subscription date >> if we miss the renewal >> 50/- day Subscription date is also missed >> also missed the renewal >> 100+50/- day
POST: Create a new user GET: Get all the user info
GET: Get a user by id PUT: Update a user by their ID DELETE: Delete the user by ID (check if he/she still have an issued book) && (is there any fine to be paid)
GET: Get user subscription details >> Date of Subscription >> Valid till >> Fine?
GET: Get all the books POST: Create / Add a new book
GET: Get a book by ID PUT: Update a book by ID
GET: Get all issued boooks
GET: Get all the issued books with their fine
npm i nodemon --save-dev // save dev for devellopers dependency so tha we don't have to kill the server manually and clients will not do nay changes in the server
MVC Arch => Controllers
M: Modal (combination of View and COntroller=> depicts the structure of MongoDB) V: View (Frontend (reactJs)) C: Controllers:Brain or logical part of a route books.controllers.js users.controllers.js
Schema >> Below is the representation of table id: String (datatype) name: String age: number gender: char || varchar(15)
Modal >> Modals have the value of the particular fields and schema have the conditions for the values id: 123 name: DevTown age: 23 gender:'M'
Foreign Key:
Refrential Integrity eg: Users Table Books Table issuedBook: 2(Foreign Key) issuedBook: 2 (Primary Key)
DTO (Data Transfer Object) => Transfering info of obj to another obj var obj1 : { name age id gender }
var obj2: { name age id gender