It's a web application that allow you to do different things.
For now you can play against the computer and another player.
When the user land on the vsComputer page it will connect to a webSocket server and every time
he makes a move a message is sent indicating the request(VsComputer), the current fen position, the skill of the\
computer the player chose, the username (which is a uniqueId) and a jwt.
On the server side when the server receive a vsComputer request thanks to stockfish-py
it uses the stockfish engine to calculate the best move according to the skill provided
then the move is saved in a .txt file with the name of the username which will be unique for everyone.
The server will be then be able to read the content of the file, get the best move, and send it back
to who sent the message. The file then gets deleted.
The idea of the jwt token sent is to save games in the database if the player is logged in
but this needs to be implemented.
As for the versus computer, the vsPlayer uses web socket to send and receive information
about the game. The logic of the game is based on a switch case. That's because
for example when the user first lands on the page a request vsPlayer is sent with a state of
newGame: the server will check if the user is already in an existing match and if he is it will sends
all the information he needs to continue playing the game. If the server doesn't found any game
he was playing in he will check if there are other player waiting for a second player to join. If there
are it will join that game and start the match, if there aren't it will create a game with a status of
waiting another player. When another user will look for a game and find the game created it will notify
the user who created the game and start the match.
Every time a player makes a move it will send an update state changing the PGN and the last move and will send
a message to the other player containing the PGN and the move he played.
When a game is over a finsh message is sent and there could be some scenarios. Since there is no timer
if the player send a message finish it has either draw or win since you can't lose on your turn.
A msg is sent along with the state finish indicating if the player has won or draw. In either case it will
notify the other user of the state of the game.
Uses api to get the information to display the puzzle by sending a get
request. Example The ids are stored in the database
with the elo which rapresent the dificulty and keywords that defines the category.
To define