Store HTML form submissions in Google Sheets.
Fictious Soda (FIZZI) Brand's eCommerce Landing Page Built with Next14 | GSAP | Three.js | Prismic | Drei |
Senior MERN Stack developer portfolio | Built on Next, Tailwind and Framer Motion
A replica of Calendly built with Next 14 | Nylas | Prisma | Postgres | Tailwind | Shadcn | NextAuth | Supabase
E-commerce MernStack Nextjs Web App Built on Next14 | Typescript | Kinde | Prisma | Shadcn on Radix | Uploadthing | Redis | Rechart | Stripe | Tailwind | Zod
A one-stop build analyzer for Rspack and webpack.
The fast Rust-based web bundler with webpack-compatible API 🦀️
The Rspack powered build tool. Support us with a star ⭐️
An opinionated Blade file formatter for VSCode