A Newbie AI Student or A Budding Software Developer and a Design Enthusiast who Welcomes you to his humble abode in the Digital World with A idea of Improving Himself and tries to help others to grow and excel!
- Artifical Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Data Science
- Frontend and Backend Web Development
- Cloud Computing
class WhoAmI:
user = 'Samuel Jayasingh'
current_edu = "Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology"
hobbies = [
'Getting Demoted in VALORant',
'Streaming Movies',
'Listening Good Music'
'Being up all Night chasing that ONE BUG...'
def getCity():
return Chennai_India()
def Ambitions():
# Assume 10 more awesome ambitions here ;)
- I'm currently messing up my Laptop to learn about the🔭 development of Some Android and Linux Preview Bulids .
- Also, I've got a Youtube Channel, Samuel Jayasingh. But I'm a Goddamn Lazy Guy who Occasionally Post some videos.But Don't Lose Hope! Will Surely Get some Good Content Soon xd!
- Currently working on Website Creation , Managing my Personal Portfolio
- Running tests on Google Cloud Platform
-👯I'm looking to collaborate on Android Development,Machine Learning,Data Science,Artifical Intelligence,Web Development
- 🤔I'm looking for help with my Internet Connection
- 💬Ask me About Anything Here Pleasure to Help you!
- 😄Pronouns : 𝙷𝚎/𝙷𝚒𝚖/𝙷𝚒𝚜
- ⚡Fun fact : There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who get Binary and those who don't.
- If you have any suggestions to this README, feel free to inform me. And if you liked, you are free to use it for yourself.(P.S. Star it too!! 😬 )
Credits: Samuel Jayasingh
Last Edited on: 30/10/2022