I'm a Software Engineer with more than 4 years of experience.
In 2019 after using C and C++ for several months of programming learning. I decided to venture into the web starting to learn HTML, CSS and Javascript and creating static websites and there I was advancing through node, express, backend, MVC, until today where I have mastered many technologies based in javascript and typescript for FullStack development of Frontend, Backend, Tests, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, and more...
For a couple of months I have been thinking about starting to improve on issues of architecture, system design, design patterns, algorithms and data structure. Aiming for high quality web-based software and cloud computing. My dream is to get to work in a big company in the area of Web, Mobile, Cloud, or Game Development.
Code for me is not just a job but a passion that I have had for many years. And becoming one of the best software developers in the world is my goal.