A minimal and elegant theme for Jellyfin based/inspired by Ultrachromic, Glassmorphism, Scyfin & JellyTheme.
Compatible with 10.9.x!
Mobile:To add the theme to Jellyfin, copy the following line to Dashboard > General > Custom CSS:
@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/stpnwf/ZestyTheme@latest/theme.css');
Plus one of the following lines if you'd like to change the default colors to one of the presets below (optional):
@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/stpnwf/ZestyTheme@latest/colorschemes/blue.css');
@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/stpnwf/ZestyTheme@latest/colorschemes/coral.css');
@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/stpnwf/ZestyTheme@latest/colorschemes/gray.css');
@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/stpnwf/ZestyTheme@latest/colorschemes/green.css');
@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/stpnwf/ZestyTheme@latest/colorschemes/purple.css');
@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/stpnwf/ZestyTheme@latest/colorschemes/red.css');
@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/stpnwf/ZestyTheme@latest/colorschemes/yellow.css');
Then enable Backdrops in Jellyfin (Settings > Display > Backdrops) if you haven't already.¹
For more info on custom colors click here
¹ You must enable Backdrops on every device you plan to use this on.
Theme is still WIP, and may look broken in some areas.
I plan to get to theming TV mode (Settings > Display > Display Mode > TV) soon™. Looks broken right now.
Theme has only been tested at 1080p (16:9), on both the app and the web interface. So it may look broken on 720p, 2K and 4K screens or different screen ratios.
I don't use the Live TV feature and neither Music Videos, so theme may look broken there. Not opposed to theming it, but hard to since I don't use it...
I am not knowledgeable in CSS, but if the end result looks how I want it to, despite how hacky or messy the code may be, that's a win in my book... PRs are welcome.
Things I'd like to do, if I can figure out how to (HELP WANTED):
Add profile pics back:
Add season posters back:
Turn seasons into a carousel to prevent this behavior:
Make it so there is no "overflowing" entries in Genres after I increased Poster size