This is the second task of my internship with ELITE TECHNO GROUP.
In this task i have done a data analysis on summer olympics and i was asked to answer 8 questions based on the dataset , which are as follows: 1: In how many cities Summer Olympics is held so far? 2: Which sport is having most number of Gold Medals so far? (Top 5) 3: Which sport is having most number of medals so far? (Top 5) 4: Which player has won most number of medals? (Top 5) 5: Which player has won most number Gold Medals of medals? (Top 5) 6: In which year India won first Gold Medal in Summer Olympics? 7: Which event is most popular in terms on number of players? (Top 5) 8: Which sport is having most female Gold Medalists? (Top 5)
The dataset contains the datas of Summer Olympics which were held between the year 1896 till 2012. Various columns in the dataset are as follows: Year, City, Sport, Discipline, Athelete, Country, Gender, Event and Medal.
For Data Analysis, Pandas is used. The raw data of summer olympic and questions is given from our instructor , and for plotting the graph i have used matplotlib.pyplot its the most widely used package for plotting graphs as it offers wide range of options to make our graph look good.