The official training/validation/test dataset repository for the SOTA? task as SimpleText Task4@CLEF2024
Count the MACs / FLOPs of your PyTorch model.
Universal Representation Learning from Multiple Domains for Few-shot Classification - ICCV 2021, Cross-domain Few-shot Learning with Task-specific Adapters - CVPR 2022
[IJCAI 2021 & AIJ 2023] Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification via Adversarial Task Augmentation
FSL-Mate: A collection of resources for few-shot learning (FSL).
The Pytorch implemetation of "FeatWalk: Enhancing Few-Shot Classification through Local View Leveraging", AAAI 2024.
Summary of related papers on visual attention. Related code will be released based on Jittor gradually.
Codebase for Embedding Propagation: Smoother Manifold for Few-Shot Classification. This is a ServiceNow Research project that was started at Element AI.
[ICCV'21] Official PyTorch implementation of Relational Embedding for Few-Shot Classification
Code for paper "DeepEMD: Few-Shot Image Classification with Differentiable Earth Mover's Distance and Structured Classifiers", CVPR2020
Ready-to-use code and tutorial notebooks to boost your way into few-shot learning for image classification.
This repository is the official implementation Ensemble Augmented-Shot Y-shaped Learning: State-Of-The-Art Few-Shot Classification with Simple Ingredients.
[ICLR2021 Oral] Free Lunch for Few-Shot Learning: Distribution Calibration
LibFewShot: A Comprehensive Library for Few-shot Learning. TPAMI 2023.
Leaderboards for few-shot image classification on miniImageNet, tieredImageNet, FC100, and CIFAR-FS.
极其简易的个人博客系统,技术栈Spring Boot、MyBatis、Redis、Vue。适合初学者参考学习
🛠「Watt Toolkit」是一个开源跨平台的多功能 Steam 工具箱。
Public facing notes page
After watching all the videos of the famous Standford's CS231n course that took place in 2017, i decided to take summary of the whole course to help me to remember and to anyone who would like to k…
基于电影评论数据的中文情感分析(含训练数据、验证数据) Machine Learning and Deep Learning implementations.
This program creates a minimized DFA(using hopcroft algorithm) of the input regular expression. This is done by first converting the regular expression to NFA, then converting NFA to DFA and finall…
A video website based on Django/Vue. ビデオ・オン・デマンド・システム、python+Djangoによるビデオ管理システムの開発 - 卒業設計 - コース設計