This repository contains my personal dotfiles to quickly set up a development environment on macOS. It uses Chezmoi for efficient dotfiles management and customization.
Before proceeding, make sure your machine is set up with the macos-dev-setup repository.
This will install Homebrew, Chezmoi, and other essential tools.
Before initializing your dotfiles, set up your local Git configuration to ensure your commits use the correct name and email.
Run the following command to create a ~/.gitconfig.local file:
cat <<EOF > ~/.gitconfig.local
name = John Doe
email = [email protected]
Ensure Homebrew is properly initialized by running:
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
To set up your dotfiles, use the following Chezmoi command:
chezmoi init --apply Sbastien
Happy coding! 🖥️