obsidian-osint-templates Public
Forked from WebBreacher/obsidian-osint-templatesThese templates are suggestions of how the Obsidian notetaking tool can be used during an OSINT investigation. The example data in those files should allow you to make some connections (see what I …
UpdatedJan 24, 2024 -
1-task-game-ui-dom Public
Second part of task. To create a UI for game rock, paper, scissors using DOM manipulation and plain JavaScript. No HTML layout and no css style file
JavaScript UpdatedSep 9, 2022 -
4-WebsiteDesign Public
week 2 task 4 project website design replica HTML and CSS only
CSS UpdatedAug 29, 2022 -
2--game-task Public
java script playground, week 3 JS assignment game rock, scissors, paper
JavaScript UpdatedAug 29, 2022 -
3-links-and-images Public
Upgraded version of weeks one task link and images, just added some CSS, for learning purpose only
HTML UpdatedAug 27, 2022 -
beer-lovers Public
Angular task for learning purpose, to implement pipes, components, routes and services
TypeScript UpdatedFeb 9, 2022 -
income-expense-react Public
Income-Expense tracker app created with React and powered by Speechly
JavaScript UpdatedJan 20, 2022 -
advent-of-code-challange Public
Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like. People use them as a speed co…
UpdatedDec 2, 2021 -
tft-border-box-copy Public
My first real CSS animation project to make a Team Fight Tactics animated border as close as possible
CSS UpdatedNov 30, 2021 -
jokes Public
Lithuanian jokes, get random Lithuanian joke project using self made API
TypeScript UpdatedNov 29, 2021 -
angular-stocks Public
This project is task from Angular mentor. We have got a stocks server to use for data. Task is to implement Stocks API and HTTP functions, such as GET, POST, PATCH. Make use of authorization. New u…
TypeScript UpdatedNov 13, 2021 -
59-typescript-add-autos-app Public
Responsive form and table app to add and load cars to/from local storage. Written with Type Script. Objects and classes.
58-typescript-hotel Public
hotel task, with typescript, and form to input data. MVC
TypeScript UpdatedOct 13, 2021