R/Business is an ISC working group (www.r-consortium.org/projects/isc-working-groups) under the R Consortium. It covers applications of R in all areas of business
We are R users from different areas of business and financial services collaborating on events and advocacy of R.
Promote the use of the R programming environment and the R ecosystem in business practice and business research
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- A common collaboration platform
- Organization and sponsorship of events
- Development and maintenance of R packages
- Education and promotion about the uses for the R ecosystem
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- Development of a community-based collaboration platform
- Organization and sponsorship of events
- Research on relevant topics in the intersection of business/accounting and technology
- Development of openly available courses/tutorials
- Development and maintenance of R packages
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promoting uses of R and moving business from using Excel to R in their operations, reporting or other activities
developing R tools tailored for business applications across various subindustries, including insurance, finance, accounting, retail, etc.
- Finance
- Accounting
- Financial services: insurance
Business process / Business area / R package/ link, R tutorial
- Investment time series analysis for portfolio management
Tseries: time series analysis and computational finance https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tseries/tseries.pdf
- Asset management
Tidyquant: combines xts and zoo, quantmod, TTR, and PerformanceAnalytics with the tidy data approach
- Financial disclosure and custom reporting