👋 Welcome to Sci-Hook's official GitHub page. Sci-Hook Organization strives to keep science free, to develop open source projects, and to bring science to everyone. You can use the codes on this page in various ways for your work. We've adjusted our GitHub page to make it more convenient for developers to use. Let's start!
💚 At Sci-Hook, we strive to make our projects open source. We value and embrace open source. For this reason, we share all of our open-source projects as open source without any commercial or profit motive. We usually use our GitHub page to do this. You can freely use all the projects we share as open source, provided that you adhere to the license and usage rules.
For a list of all our open source projects and more detailed information: https://opensource.scihook.org
To get support about our open source projects, submit your suggestions and present your own open source projects: [email protected]
🪲 We have a special system for you to report errors and vulnerabilities in Sci-Hook systems. Please only use this system. Do not try to send them to us on GitHub. We use our own system to track requests more regularly and not to share critical vulnerabilities publicly. For information on how to report bugs and vulnerabilities and get started with reporting, check out the Sci-Hook Bug Hunter Program.
❓ We've created a separate markdown file so you can view frequently asked questions in one place. In this markdown file, you can see frequently asked questions by category and search for answers to your question. If you can't find the answer to your question on this page, you can share your question with the community and developers on the Sci-Hook GitHub Developer Forum. Our development team or community developers will respond to your questions.
🌐 We have a community where developers can help each other, ask questions about Sci-Hook systems, and answer questions from other developers. For information about this forum, you can check here. Click here to start using the forum.
You can view a full (or nearly full) list of Sci-Hook's official social media accounts below:
📌 Our general purpose main account: @SciHook
📌 Our developer account: @SciHookDev
📌 Our support account: @SciHookSupport
📌 Our safety account: @SciHookSafety
📌 Our security account: @SciHookSecurity
📌 Our volunteering account: @SciHookTogether
📌 Our Germany representative account: @SciHookDE
📌 Our Türkiye representative account: @SciHookTR
📌 Our general purpose main account: @SciHook
📌 Our Türkiye representative account: @SciHookTR
📌 Our general purpose main account: @SciHook
📌 Our Türkiye representative account: @SciHookTR
You can contact us in various ways. Contact us by choosing the communication method that suits you best below:
📬 Sci-Hook Support Center: https://support.scihook.org
📬 Support e-mail address: [email protected]
🌐 GitHub Developer Community: https://github.com/orgs/Sci-Hook/discussions
📬 Sci-Hook Support Center: https://support.scihook.org
📖 Support Center articles: https://support.scihook.org/articles
🌐 Support Community: https://support.scihook.org/community
📬 Support e-mail address: [email protected]