This is the public code repository for We want to build the world's best free investing website.
The site is running on React/NextJS and is written in Javascript and Typescript. It's styled with Tailwind CSS.
- Be the fastest finance website on the internet.
- Have the best user experience of all the investing sites.
- Be super easy to use and understand. Things should "just work" and feel intuitive to use.
- The data and info should always be up-to-date and accurate.
Anyone is welcome to contribute to this project. It's best if you join us on our Discord to discuss ideas and get help.
If you help drive significant improvements to the site, then you will get a free Stock Analysis Pro account as long as you remain an active contributor. Send an email to [email protected] for more info about that.
You can easily download the code and run the site on your own computer by cloning the repository and running "npm install" and "npm run dev".
Here are the steps to do it:
- First, make sure you have Visual Studio Code, Git and Node.js installed (they're all free)
- Create a folder on your desktop called "StockAnalysis"
- Open Visual Studio Code. Click "File" and "Open Folder" -- then find the folder you created and click "Select Folder"
- Hit CMD+J or CTRL+J to open the terminal in VS Code
- Write this exact command and hit enter:
git clone .
(make sure to include the period at the end) - Rename the file
(adding a period at the front) - Write this command and hit enter:
npm install
- Write this command and hit enter:
npm run dev
- You should now be able to open the site in your web browser with this URL:
Congrats! You now have the site running locally on your own computer, with the site's code ready to edit from Visual Studio Code.
This code is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.