Using Max Entropy algorithm to predict the Name Entity Tag of the token in sentences
Author: Yuanxu Wu
- python 2.7.13
- java 1.8.0
- get into the "code" folder in terminal (using cd code)
- javac -cp ".:maxent-3.0.0.jar:trove.jar"
- javac -cp ".:maxent-3.0.0.jar:trove.jar"
- python <output_filename> // get train file advanced feature
for example, python input/CONLL_train.pos-chunk-name CONLL_train_ENHANCED_FEATURE.txt - python <output_filename> // get test file advanced feature
for example, python input/CONLL_dev.pos-chunk CONLL_dev_test_ENHANCED_FEATURE.txt - java -cp ".:maxent-3.0.0.jar:trove.jar" MEtrain
for example, java -cp ".:maxent-3.0.0.jar:trove.jar" MEtrain CONLL_train_ENHANCED_FEATURE.txt maxEntModel - java -cp ".:maxent-3.0.0.jar:trove.jar" MEtag
for example, java -cp ".:maxent-3.0.0.jar:trove.jar" MEtag CONLL_dev_test_ENHANCED_FEATURE.txt maxEntModel - python
50240 out of 51578 tags correct
accuracy: 97.41
5917 groups in key
6162 groups in response
4957 correct groups
precision: 80.44
recall: 83.78
F1: 82.08
- case feature
The case feature contains initial case is upper or lower, all upper case or not, case sequence feature. - tag feature
Tag feature contains the part-of-speech tag and BIO chunk tag. - Token Information
These features are based on the token: such as contains digits, contains dollar sign, contains hyphen etc
and the length of the token. - previous and next word feature
the features of previous token and next token. - Zone feature
this token is in Head Line (HL), Author Line (AU), Date Line (DL), or text (TXT). - Morphology feature
prefix and suffix features
and the maximum length of non-vowel characters in the token
and the shape of the token, for example, "Cccds" means Capital Char + lower case char + lower case char + number + symbol. - Combined feature
Combine some feature together:
Combine the token is the first of a sentence or not, initial with capital or not, and Zone feature together.
Combine the token has all capital letter or not and Zone feature together.
Combine the token starts with a lower case letter and contains both upper and lower case letters, and Zone feature together. - Bigram trigram feature
treat consecutive two words and consecutive three words as features. - Rare word feature
The frequency of the token is under 3. Because this feature will take about 20mins to train and only get a very little improvement, so I removed it.
10 Global features
I find a name list from
and try to create a feature to check if the token is in this name set or not.
Because this feature will take about 20mins to train and also only get a very little improvement, so I removed it.
Advanced Features: the final feature used in generate advanced feature txt
prev_init_case_F, curr_init_case_F, next_init_case_F, prev_tok_F, curr_tok_F, next_tok_F, prev_pos_F, curr_pos_F, next_pos_F, prev_all_upper_case_F, curr_all_upper_case_F, next_all_upper_case_F, curr_lower_case_F, curr_contain_hyphen_cap_F, curr_contain_upper_case_F, curr_contain_dot_F, curr_contain_quote_cap_F, curr_contain_number_F, curr_last_char_is_dot_F, curr_length, curr_max_consec_non_vowel_F, curr_first_init_cap_Zone_F, curr_all_caps_Zone_F, curr_mixed_caps_Zone_F, curr_sent_has_bracket_or_quotes_F, curr_suffix_3, curr_prefix_4, curr_bigram_F, trigram_F, cap_case_cap_F, Zone_F
the other features I tried but didn't use in generating advanced feature are the features will generate negative improvement.
prev_init_case_F : the initial case of the previous token
curr_init_case_F : the initial case of current token
next_init_case_F : the initial case of next token
prev_tok_F : previous token
curr_tok_F : current token
next_tok_F : next token
prev_pos_F : previous part-of-speech tag
curr_pos_F : current part-of-speech tag
next_pos_F : next part of speech tag
prev_BIO_F : previous BIO chunk tag
curr_BIO_F : current BIO chunk tag
next_BIO_F : next BIO chunk tag
prev_all_upper_case_F : the previous token is all uppercase or not
curr_all_upper_case_F : current token is all uppercase or not
next_all_upper_case_F : next token is all uppercase or not
prev_contain_number_F : the previous token contain number or not
curr_contain_number_F : current token contain number or not
next_contain_number_F : next token contain number or not
curr_lower_case_F : transit current token to lower case
curr_contain_hyphen_cap_F : current token contain hyphen or not
curr_contain_upper_case_F : current token contain uppercase or not
curr_contain_dot_F : current token contain dot or not
curr_contain_quote_cap_F : current token contain quote and capital letter or not
curr_last_char_is_dot_F : last character is dot or not
curr_length_F : the length of the current token
curr_word_shape_F : the shape of the word, for example, "Cccds" means Capital Char + lower case char + lower case char + number + symbol
curr_first_init_cap_Zone_F : this is a combined feature : current token is the first of a sentence or not, initial with capital or not, and Zone feature
curr_all_caps_Zone_F : this is a combined feature : current token has all capital letter or not and Zone feature
curr_mixed_caps_Zone_F : this is a combined feature : the token starts with a lower case letter, and contains
both upper and lower case letters, and Zone feature
curr_sent_has_bracket_or_quotes_F : the sentence contained this token has bracket or quotes or not
Zone_F : this token is in Head Line (HL), Author Line (AU), Date Line (DL), or text (TXT)
curr_prefix_2 : first two character
curr_suffix_2 : last two character
curr_prefix_3 : first three character
curr_suffix_3 : last three character
curr_prefix_4 : first four character
curr_suffix_4 : last four character
consecutive_three_tok_init_case_F : the initial case of three consecutive token
curr_bigram_F : current word and next word
prev_bigram_F : previous word and next word
trigram_F : previous word and current word and next word
cap_case_cap_F : case sequence
curr_max_consec_non_vowel_F : the maximum length of non-vowel characters in the current token