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ScopedLeo edited this page Mar 4, 2019 · 4 revisions

Privacy Friendly Finance Manager

This app's general purpose is the tracking of financial expenses and incomes via transactions. Transactions can either be an income or an expense, have a name, a date and a title. Additionally every transaction can be linked to an account and to a category. Categories and accounts provide additional help for organizing all expenses and incomes and track the summed up balance. Another powerful feature are the so called 'repeating transactions' that are automatically repeated by the app in the given repeating interval that can be stated either in weeks or in months. Every one of the features named above has it's own activity (view) that can be easily accessed via the navigation drawer. Besides the tutorial and the help section the app helps the user by providing place holder texts in text entry fields whenever it is possible. All items can be deleted by swiping them to the left or to the right and clicking on the then appearing trash bin symbol. New items are created by clicking the blue plus button in the lower right corner while the corresponding view is active.


This application is a Privacy Friendly App. Privacy Friendly Apps are a group of Android applications which are optimized regarding privacy. Like all other apps that are developed by the SECUSO research group at Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany) this Privacy Friendly Finance Manager is optimized regarding the user's privacy. There are no tracking mechanisms or advertisement added. Further information can be found on here[]


Privacy Friendly Finance Manager is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. The icons used in the nagivation drawer are licensed under the CC BY 2.5. In addition to them the app uses icons from Google Design Material Icons licensed under Apache License Version 2.0. All other images (the logo of Privacy Friendly Apps, the SECUSO logo the app logo and the splash screen icon) copyright Technische Universtität Darmstadt (2019) or Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2019).


  • Felix Hofmann
  • Leonard Otto
  • David Meiborg
  • Karola Marky (yonjuni)
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