The purpose of this repository is to collate data on the ongoing coronavirus pandemic in Africa. Our goal is to record detailed information on each reported case in every African country. We want to build a line list – a table summarizing information about people who are infected, dead, or recovered. The table for each African country would include demographic, location, and symptom (where available) information for each reported case. The data will be obtained from official sources (e.g., WHO, departments of health, CDC etc.) and unofficial sources (e.g., news). Such a dataset has many uses, including studying the spread of COVID-19 across Africa and assessing similarities and differences to what’s being observed in other regions of the world.
To sign up to contribute to this effort please send an email to [email protected] and choose a country (or countries) in the Contributors file below. This is part of a larger global effort to collate data on the coronavirus pandemic.
See our blog post on why we built this and how we are working.
For information on daily updates on the repo, go to
- I want to add a country: Start a new line list, see template below.
- I want to help, but dont have an idea: You can take a look at the issues to see which one you might be interested in tackling.
- I have an idea or new feature: Create a new issue first, assign it to yourself and then fork the repo.
- See the data/templates/ if you want to start a new line list for a country that is not yet included. You must upload csv though.
- See dsfsi#2
- See the issues
- Data Science Africa COVID-19 Response
- IndabaX South Africa: Vukosi Marivate - Using data science to inform the COVID-19 outbreak in Africa
- Stanford <> CS472 Data science and AI for COVID-19
Data Available [/data]
dataset | url | raw_url[file] |
line-list-africa | line-list-africa | line-list-africa.csv |
line-list-algeria | line-list-algeria | line-list-algeria.csv |
line-list-benin | line-list-benin | line-list-benin.csv |
line-list-egypt | line-list-egypt | line-list-egypt.csv |
line-list-ethiopia | line-list-ethiopia | line-list-ethiopia.csv |
line-list-gambia | line-list-gambia | line-list-gambia.csv |
line-list-kenya | line-list-kenya | line-list-kenya.csv |
line-list-namibia | line-list-namibia | line-list-namibia.csv |
line-list-nigeria | line-list-nigeria | line-list-nigeria.csv |
line-list-rwanda | line-list-rwanda | line-list-rwanda.csv |
line-list-south-africa | line-list-south-africa | line-list-south-africa.csv |
line-list-zimbabwe | line-list-zimbabwe | line-list-south-zimbabwe.csv |
- Line List Dashboard -
See data README
Made with contributors-img.
- Elaine Nsoesie - [email protected], @ensoesie
- Vukosi Marivate - [email protected], @vukosi
- Esube Bekele - esube.tamirat[at],
Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data Repository for Africa. Vukosi Marivarte, Elaine Nsoesie and Consortium for African COVID-19 Data. Available on:
@dataset{marivate_vukosi_2020_3732980, author = {Marivate, Vukosi and Nsoesie, Elaine and Bekele, Esube and Africa open COVID-19 data working group}, title = {{Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data Repository for Africa}}, month = mar, year = 2020, publisher = {Zenodo}, version = {0.5}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3757554}, url = {} }