go get -u github.com/Gonzih/log-replay
Usage of log-replay:
Print extra debugging information
Enable rolling window functionality to stop log replaying in case of failure
-error-rate float
Percentage of the error to stop log replaying (min:1, max:99) (default 40)
-file string
Log file name to read. Read from STDIN if file name is '-' (default "-")
-file-type string
Input log type (nginx, haproxy or solr) (default "nginx")
-format string
Nginx log format (default "$remote_addr [$time_local] \"$request\" $status $request_length $body_bytes_sent $request_time \"$t_size\" $read_time $gen_time")
-log string
File to report timings to, default is stdout (default "-")
-password string
Basic auth password
-prefix string
URL prefix to query (default "http://localhost")
-ratio int
Replay speed ratio, higher means faster replay speed (default 1)
Skip sleep between http calls based on log timestamps
Should HTTP client ignore ssl errors
-timeout int
Request timeout in milliseconds, 0 means no timeout (default 60000)
-user-name string
Basic auth username
-window-size int
Size of the window to track response status (default 1000)
# Replay access log
log-replay --file my-acces.log --debug --log out.log
# Duplicate traffic on the staging host - with basic auth
tail -f /var/log/acces.log | log-replay --prefix http://staging-host --log staging.log --skip-sleep \
--user-name test-user --password supersecrEt
Log is tab separated values:
status start-time duration url payload err
# Examples
200 1469792268 629904766 /my-url
500 1469792268 629904766 /my-url Get http://localhost/another-url: dial tcp [::1]:80: getsockopt: connection refused
- status is integer
- start-time is unix timestamp in seconds
- duration is in nanoseconds
- url is full url with prefix
- payload is stringified post data
- error is go lang error formatted to string and is optional
Nginx/Haproxy logs are currently limited to GET only. SOLR requests will use post format for everything, as a way to subvert GET length limitations.
- To correctly use the solr adapter, it is required that the log4 pattern is configured as follows:
<pattern>%d %p %C{1.} [%t] %m%n%ex</pattern>