- Kazakhstan
Open Multiplayer, a multiplayer mod fully backwards compatible with SA-MP
A terraform module to get k3s up and running on Proxmox VE real quick.
Prometheus exporter for android
WebSharper - Full-stack, functional, reactive web apps and microservices in F# and C#
A tiny, friendly, C# parser construction library
A general purpose visual programming. This is the main repository for Blackprint that contains source code of cable, node, and container sketch for visualization.
Module template for Browser, Deno, Node.js
Find alternative cheat code in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (2004) by bruteforce (CLI and GUI), C++17, Qt 6 and CUDA 11
Documentation for BlueprintWebSocket available on the Unreal Engine Marketplace.
Post-processing for Fountain screenplays
Monitoring Synology NAS with snmp-exporter and prometheus
Painless deployment of projects built with GitLab CI onto your Rancher infrastructure
⚡️ the next-gen Node.js driver for Tuya devices
Cloud replacement for vacuum robots enabling local-only operation
"Dynamic" time signature feature for Guitar Pro 7.5+ and 8
Create a desktop app with Electron + Typescript + React + Antd
React components that allow you to divide a page or container into nestable anchored, scrollable and resizable spaces.
Pothos GraphQL is library for creating GraphQL schemas in typescript using a strongly typed code first approach
A Docker Compose setup that dynamically loadbalances php-fpm through HAProxy to Nginx. Uses Consul, Consul-Template and Registrator
Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management