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This project contains a set of Roslyn generators helping dealing with structs in C#.

StructRecord generator

Currently in C# 9 the records are reference types. This is fine, but in some cases one may want having a similar behavior for structs, i.e. a set of 'WithMember' methods (just because the with syntax is a language feature), overriden Equals, GetHashCode and ToString members.

To achieve this, you may mark a struct with [StructGenerators.StructRecord] attribute to get roughly the same behavior as records in C# 9 but for structs:

public readonly partial struct MyStruct
    public readonly double X;
    public readonly int Y;
    public readonly int Z;
    static readonly string _staticProperty;

In this case, the generator will generate a partial definition with the following members:

partial struct MyStruct : IEquatable<MyStruct>
    public MyStruct WithX(double value) {}
    public MyStruct WithY(int value) {}
    public MyStruct WithZ(int value) {}
    public MyStruct Clone() {}
    // Equality members: GetHashCode, Equals(object), Equals(MyStruct)
    // operator==, operator !=
    public override ToString() { /* Prints all the members.*/ }

The next set of generators are used by the StructRecord generator, but can be used separately if needed.

  • StructEquality generator. Mark your struct with StructGenerators.StructEquality to generate equality members based on the struct's state (all the fields and automatic properties backed by a field).
  • GenerateToString generator. Mark your struct or class with StructGenerators.GenerateToString to generate ToString based on the type's state (including instance computed properties as well).

GenerateToString generator

The attribute is applicable for structs, classes and records.

GenerateToString generator can be used separately to generate record-like ToString implementation for any class or a struct. But unlike records, this generator is customizable:

[GenerateToString(PrintTypeName = true, MaxStringLength = 5000)] // Default MaxStringLength is 1024
public partial class CustomClass<T>
    // The record prints S = System.String[]
    // Printing the content here by default instead!
    [ToStringBehavior(CollectionsBehavior = CollectionsBehavior.PrintContent)]
    // Just a count by default.
    // IEnumerable<Type> for IEnumerable (based on the runtime type, not based on compile-time type).
    // Configure the separator.
    public string[] S = new[] { "1", null, "2" };

    public string[] S2 => S;
    // No boxing allocation for Value property
    // in the generated ToString code
    public T Value { get; set; }

The output of the following code: Console.WriteLine(new CustomClass<int>()) is:

CustomClass { S (Count: 3) = [1, , 2], S2 (Count: 3) = System.String[], Value = 0 }

GenerateToString generator supports the following customization:

  • Whether to print the type name or not (PrintName = true is the default).
  • Controls the max size of the final string (1024 by default) via MaxStringLength property on GenerateToString attribute.
  • Whether to skip a member in the generate ToString method via ToStringBehavior(Skip = true).
  • The way a collection is printed via ToStringBehavior(CollectionsBehavior). The default behavior is CollectionsBehavior.PrintTypeNameAndCount when only the count and the type is printed. CollectionsBehavior.PrintContent allows printing the content. In this case you can control the number of elements printed via CollectionCountLimit property.


  • SRG001 (Warning) is emitted if the type is marked with one of the attributes but the type is not partial. In this case the generator just can't generate the partial definition.
  • SRG002 (Info) is emitted for each "generatable" member that already defined by the user.



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A set of generators helping dealing with structs in C#







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