RDPWrap.ini and autoupdate script for RDPRDP Wrapper Library by Stas'M
UPD 20.05.2020: My modded version you can download here https://nc.myftp.biz/s/wST2RQSCwcL2KF3
- Unpack zip
- Run install.bat with administrator privileges
- Wait until you see the RDPConf window with all green lines
- Enjoy
I make a changes in installer and autoupdater to copy all files to install dir, run autoupdate and start RDPConf to check if it works. Also i change the uninstaller to remove install dir.
I like to use it, and now (from build 18362.836) i try to make it working on every release x64 by myself.
-16.05.2020: Now it's work with 19041.84
-17.05.2020: Now it's work with 19628.1 Insider Preview
-24.05.2020: Now it's work with 19631.1 Insider Preview