Silahkan berkontribusi rekan rekan, #IndroPride
Aplikasi Distributor Gas - Single Page Application dengan Laravel sebagai backend dan Vue js sebagai front end
Remote administration service which uses twitter as a command and control server
An absolute beginner's guide to Machine Learning and Image Classification with Neural Networks
Patch PE, ELF, Mach-O binaries with shellcode new version in development, available only to sponsors
A simple demo of phishing by abusing the browser autofill feature
Python Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks
XVWA is a badly coded web application written in PHP/MySQL that helps security enthusiasts to learn application security.
A flexible tool for analyzing network traffic and automation of the process of protection against DDoS attacks.
Android application powering the mirror in my house
Sistem Informasi Desa (SID) yang sengaja dibuat terbuka agar dapat dikembangkan secara bersama-sama oleh komunitas peduli SID
Phison 2251-03 (2303) Custom Firmware & Existing Firmware Patches (BadUSB)
A collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers
Library for draw route maps between two point LatLng
An easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web
WarBerryPi - Tactical Exploitation