SeaORM is a relational ORM to help you build light weight and concurrent web services in Rust.
- Async
Relying on SQLx, SeaORM is a new library with async support from day 1.
- Dynamic
Built upon SeaQuery, SeaORM allows you to build complex queries without 'fighting the ORM'.
- Testable
Use mock connections to write unit tests for your logic.
- Service oriented
Quickly build services that join, filter, sort and paginate data in APIs.
// find all models
let cakes: Vec<cake::Model> = Cake::find().all(db).await?;
// find and filter
let chocolate: Vec<cake::Model> = Cake::find()
// find one model
let cheese: Option<cake::Model> = Cake::find_by_id(1).one(db).await?;
let cheese: cake::Model = cheese.unwrap();
// find related models (lazy)
let fruits: Vec<fruit::Model> = cheese.find_related(Fruit).all(db).await?;
// find related models (eager)
let cake_with_fruits: Vec<(cake::Model, Vec<fruit::Model>)> =
let apple = fruit::ActiveModel {
name: Set("Apple".to_owned()),
..Default::default() // no need to set primary key
let pear = fruit::ActiveModel {
name: Set("Pear".to_owned()),
// insert one
let res = Fruit::insert(pear).exec(db).await?;
println!("InsertResult: {}", res.last_insert_id);
// insert many
Fruit::insert_many(vec![apple, pear]).exec(db).await?;
use sea_orm::sea_query::{Expr, Value};
let pear: Option<fruit::Model> = Fruit::find_by_id(1).one(db).await?;
let mut pear: fruit::ActiveModel = pear.unwrap().into(); = Set("Sweet pear".to_owned());
// update one
let pear: fruit::ActiveModel = Fruit::update(pear).exec(db).await?;
// update many: UPDATE "fruit" SET "cake_id" = NULL WHERE "fruit"."name" LIKE '%Apple%'
.col_expr(fruit::Column::CakeId, Expr::value(Value::Int(None)))
let banana = fruit::ActiveModel {
id: Unset(None),
name: Set("Banana".to_owned()),
// create, because primary key `id` is `Unset`
let mut banana =; = Set("Banana Mongo".to_owned());
// update, because primary key `id` is `Set`
let banana =;
let orange: Option<fruit::Model> = Fruit::find_by_id(1).one(db).await?;
let orange: fruit::ActiveModel = orange.unwrap().into();
// delete one
// or simply
// delete many: DELETE FROM "fruit" WHERE "fruit"."name" LIKE 'Orange'
Licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or
at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.