A Python script which allows you to query servers for a selection of information
This script is litteraly a python translatation of libpmquery by @jasonw4331 and was made for developers to query Pocketmine-MP servers with ease. Here is some basic functionality:
The following imports are necessary to use the virion library:
from PMQuery import PMQuery, PMQueryException
The querying API is a single function which grabs the data from whatever server you input. Usage is as follows:
query = PMQuery.query("my.server.net", 19132)
The values returned will follow these values/types:
query.get("GameName") # Returns the server software being used
query.get("HostName") # Returns the server host name
query.get("Protocol") # Returns the protocol version allowed to connect
query.get("Version") # Returns the client version allowed to connect
query.get("Players") # Returns the number of players on the server currently
query.get("MaxPlayers") # Returns the maximum player count of the server
query.get("ServerId") # Returns the RakNet server ID
query.get("Map") # Returns the default world name
query.get("GameMode") # Returns the default game mode
query.get("NintendoLimited") # Returns the status of Nintendo's limitation to join
query.get("IPv4Port") # Returns the IPv4 port number
query.get("IPv6Port") # Returns the IPv6 port number
query.get("Extra") # I still don't know what this info is
Queries sent to offline servers always throw a PmQueryException
. Exceptions can be caught in a try/except statement to log their offline status.
query = PMQuery.query("my.server.net", 19133)
players = query.get('Players')
print(f"There are {players} on the queried server right now!")
except PMQueryException as e:
# You can choose to log this if you want
print("The queried server is offline right now!")
Thanks again to @jasonw4331